I tweeted lionhead on twitter about Black & White 3.

How about a tsunami epic miracle?  That would be ocean specific.
I like the idea of creatures swimming, I think some should be better in/on land/water than others.  Like the Turtle would rock while in the sea, but mildly suck on land battles.  And the Wolf could swim good, just not fight that good in water.
Maybe the Croc should come back.  As long as he can scare a Horse.
On the tsunami epci mircale, I'd like to see the effect working a lot like in the game From Dust.

I should state that I it was a small enough game and I never even finished playing it, but alot of the concepts int there are easily compatible with B&W.  I would suggest anyone who doesn't know about ti to look it up.  For one thing, the game allowed you to move around loose soil (i.e. sand) in any way you chose,  you could also move around blobs of water and other stuff.

This would be a reasonable compromise to the problem of allowing a god to modify a land without affecting the overall structure of the island such that scripted events could fail to happen as the spot they were supposed to occur on didn't exist any more :p .
I tried the demo for that game on PS3...
Such interactivity in a game is awesome, but, I don't think that ALL those concepts should come to black and white.
But, perhaps, hand forcing could be used to compact dirt/sand, and create a gust of wind that could make a small fissure in the sand that could then be filled (not covered) with lava.