Re: Of Gods And Mortals

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Yeah i agree with hoplite. Would a prediction on the finish date of B&W2 multiplayer be impossible at the time? A fortnightly progress report on the project would be brilliant, and keep those anticipating black and whiters at ease.  :yes
Hey guys. Theres not really much I can say about multiplayer since I do not know wat is truly happening with it. As for the game itself, there have been issues I have been setting to deal with Im sure once its all sorted out and the 2nd landscape has already been started on(scripting) then I can present some relief and set a date.

It has taken me so long to write up the God AI because it was intended to be a massive and complex script and pretty much one of the biggest scripts I have ever attempted to create.
well take the time you need lionhead didn't and see what they enden up with, an uncomplete game.

Well I just hope you can fix the multiplayer, that will be my biggest dream, to be able to play against other players in this game. How extacly can you make it work?

keep up the good work :angel
Im so excited, being able to play B&W2 with other players will be fantastic. How will enemy gods be represented? Must have been hard to make each player pick up the oppositions actions and stuff.
Oh that sounds like its working out iR. It was my intention to release MP after OGaM so ppl dont choose MP game over the standard game, however since its going well it may be released before the game.
Speaking about MP, I've got two questions: are you going to face the other player with all the items?
And do you get the opportunity to face someone the evil way : War and stuff or the good way : Building, Building Building.
iRzilla, your genius rests among the fans excitement  :p. You seem smart for your age  :suspect, not that I have a problem just saying  :laugh2.

Continue the good work.
Alright guys, as promised here is my Nov/Dec update as stated in my sig.

In a weeks time or so I am going to release a new beta. Some features will be locked out and not be available to test(such as the god relations). However from the last beta I have been working very hard to remove all bugs especially the wacky control scheme for the ship and the noticeable bug when clicking the CS scroll to choose a creature. A few little things have been added now like new ship support for transporting platoons(refer to in-game tutorial for more info) and updates to God AI. You may notice the movement speed of the hands has been dramatically increased.

A new intro cinematic for the tutorial island has been added and will introduce you to the game, the story so far and the ppl behind the development instead of the old "click new game and the map loads" thing. If the team could please contact me about this intro I have implemented, I wish to discuss the needed materials to finish it.  :)
Well this should have been released yesterday but it does not look like I have been contacted by team members in regards to the intro cinematic for land 1. A short delay due to real life stuff has also reason for this minor setback.

Unfortunately without any means of contact from the others I cannot release this today and that sucks. I will try my hardest to get something going but in the meantime please give it a little more patience, thanks.  :)
It was mainly my fault for one part because of the recorder error, I hope that my apologie is acceptable. However on the weekend this solution will be solved and also my production will continue, sorry to off delayed this.

Just finished a sketch drawing of this really sweet picture I'm planing on making for this! I'll scan it and post it later today after I show Alkatraz it and get a second opinion. But other wise the drawing is coming along great! ETA 3 days  :D
I also like to draw, I have a sword blase ready to post in the next two days  :).

Welocme to the team Santa.
Sorry to burst your bubble Santa, but that would be considered spam, however I understand that you mean cool.

I also have some other artwork, like a skeleton, I'm an amateur.
Two things, Sweet Tooth is correct, just before you make a mistake, go and find the rules, they're somewhere in the New Arrivals forum.

Second: I get the feeling you're saying thank you in German, and it's spelled Danke.

Anyway, on the intro cutscene front of things, it's moving along swimmingly, and I think if I get the artwork together soon, you may all be seeing the new beta soon!
Yes indeed. Thankyou for contacting me to get things worked out, once this cinematic intro is complete and I make a few small changes to various scripts, I reckon the new beta will be good to go. As I had mentioned in a previous post, I will be locking out certain parts of a script, mainly because they are either not finished or by running them will they cause conflict or harm to the other things running simultaneously.

I am confident that the Creature Selection is at its best now and the ship controls have been revamped and even selecting/deselecting ships has been dramatically improved(please note though that it may take a couple tries to make the ship under your control due to the nature of the ship being dodgy since it was unused in the main game. :p)

God relations part of the God AI will be locked out since I am yet to finish it and so most of the AI alone is capable of running on its own. Movement speed, reaction time and almost everything they do has been dramatically improved.

The very last thing I am going to work on are the epic miracles. Apparently I have learnt that the music associated with each epic has been mixed up(silly me  :p) and the camera is also a little off so I intend to fix that in time.

Overall, thanks to Alkatrazz working at it with our lovely new team member Santa to fix up everything we need and I am happy to say at long last OGaM is moving in the direction it was supposed to. And of course I cant forget everyone else on the team, iRzilla making some nice progress on the Multiplayer side of the game, our landscapers and even those few that have been trying to do wat they can on their part.

So thanks guys, shall we continue to prosper well into the future.  :)
I'm realy excited!!!

I had acess to my computer yesterday, and the astec land is starting to become one of my best yet!

the landscape itself is done, I just need to add trees and towns...

sorry there aren't any screenshots, I only had an hour of time at my grandfather's house, but my father said we may have time to move the computer to my house ofer holiday break in three months...
Alright guys, if anyone is able for the intro cinematic since its such a required thing to be a masterpiece I would like a storyboard of how the intro should play out.

Things to include may be:
- Camera movement for in-game and any visual effects
- video scenes
- art scene position
- music

I want to make the opening for OGaM really cool or like a great start to the game. I have already worked out all the bugs in the scripts, so a little more scripting, implementation of the intro cinematic and other things and I believe that this will be the best beta yet and kind of wat to expect for the final product of the land. Of course way before its release I shall pass on an upload of the beta for everyone on the team so we have a chance to set how its working out and any changes or improvements that can be made.

EDIT: Name of Goddess, suggestions anyone?

Thanks all,

Dax  :)










... all just random letter combinations that sound cool...
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