Of Gods and Mortals

Don't hold your breath...
Over the years many teams have come and gone without completing much simpler maps/mods.
The big problem is interest fades faster than the progress is achieved.
This could have been hot 5y ago but now the posters on all English speaking B&W sites  that I know is down to  about 5 a day  and most are not active players.
This is just my opinion I hope  OGAM is still alive .............
Gremxula said:
This is just my opinion I hope  OGAM is still alive .............
Ditto that, both in the literal sense and in the activity sense.

B&W2 was a good game, with the unrealized potential to be a great game. Old as it may be, I still think it can go a long ways with some love.
I agree with Grem, it has been a long time now since BnW2 was first released, interest fades every day but somehow those few people still stick around. As I have mentioned a number of times before, I'm doing this bit by bit in any spare time that I can get. At the moment I've run into that stupid "Cannot create the 3d device error." problem again that honestly I have not bothered to mess around and figure out.

I do not expect people to follow progress but if at all it ever gets finished, it may certainly open the doors for new and ingenious ideas. As u can tell I saw the post, godplex made about his "God Engine". Just logging on every now and then to check up on new things going down here and perhaps even posting if its needed is all all one would ever need to do.
Daxter said:
At the moment I've run into that stupid "Cannot create the 3d device error." problem again
Are you talking about the Landscape Editor? I had the same error, and the problem was that I didn't run the unstuffer first. Also, if you're using 7/Vista you need to change the path to the (x86) programs folder.

Here is the modified BAT file code, which runs from the Tools/LionheadUnstuffer directory:
LionheadUnstuffer -d -path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lionhead Studios\Black & White 2\\" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lionhead Studios\Black & White 2\Data\Everything.stuff"

Optionally, opening the command prompt and using the following two lines should work:
CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lionhead Studios\Black & White 2\Tools\LionheadUnstuffer"
LionheadUnstuffer -d -path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lionhead Studios\Black & White 2\\" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lionhead Studios\Black & White 2\Data\Everything.stuff"
No, I meant playing the game itself causes the general graphical error, the landscape editor has always been fine. I'll get around to it when I can.
Ok so I thought I might make a general post here about status. From previous posts, it's been made clear that while the problem of "getting the game to run" exists, I won't be able to get any work done, on top of that real life is a pain so I guess I'm going to have to put OGaM to sleep for now.

Thanks to everyone involved in the project and to all the fans out there for your support, OGaM would have never gotten off the ground if it wasn't for you all so thanks.  :)

All my current and past scripts are still available in the Script Library so feel free to use them, it has been quite a long time since first starting scripting and it has been a journey. Thankyou to everyone that first began on several scripts, I'm glad I was able to produce some quality in the end on the more complicated things like the Epic Miracles (and the siren for one, boy was that a tough thing to figure out) and some of the more fun scripts like the Creature Selection.

Anyway, I'm sorry to let everyone down, B&W2 is not the same as it used to be, so it saddens me to end this. I will stick around Kayssplace though, it's got little activity nowadays but still a great hangout spot.

So thanks all.  :)
It is always sad to have to say goodbye to a  project.
I know  from experience  you put in  100's/1000's of hours work and  it never gets  to a finished state in time to be of use.
A sad day for  all.
ahh well, you achieved more than i thought u would, and to be honest, more than i could do with your lack of infinite resources. Still though it was looking better than BaW2 and yo seem to have achieved far more ta they ever did, so congrats anyway and do not consider it wasted time
I didn't see that coming :D Do you have any more information on the direction you'll be heading in?
All will be revealed at a later date. The only thing I will divulge at this time is that my focus for most of the downtime of this game was on understanding the language more and already have in place some large adjustments to the mechanics I have created already.

Goes to show what a little growing up can do, when you don't have so much tying you down as an adult.  :)
Just to add, I've also updated the first page of this thread with some changes to what may become a part of the game and what might be scrapped.

Obviously first point is fix up these silly patch jumps I've made in the past, and start right at alpha, so people who play understand that an alpha means very very early stages. This also means no stupid prediction dates, weekly updates if necessary and no teaser trailers unless it deals with existing gameplay.
Hello Dax!

About a year and a half ago I installed BW2 again on a new pc I bought and found out about modding it. I was really ambitious and excited about it and got as far as creating and playing on my own map. Couldn't do much more than that though, because I didn't know how to script. I found out about OGAM at this time too. Also, I lost interest and then my computer was fried in an electrical storm and I haven't managed to get around to fixing it yet.

So about three weeks ago BW2 popped up in my mind again and the OGAM project. I found this thread and the archived one. And the OGAM homepage/site. I was really hoping you would start this project up again and so I thought I would keep dreaming and checking on this thread.

I'm really excited that your starting back on the project. Not only that - I'd also like to give a word of encouragement and say that I think that Black and White is probably dead and gone... but is a game that was never fully fleshed out in it's potential. With a steady pace and acquired knowledge I think you complete this ambitious project. Take it slow and enjoy it.  :yourock:
I guess I better start off with a clean slate.

I took the opportunity to browse through the older posts regarding OGaM and the crazy ideas I had proposed, to see what needs to made clearer. For the moment, the focus is on game mechanics and feasible things.

Since I was a youngen back then, I want to apologize for anything I may have promised to be a part of OGaM. Since the idea is to still try replicate most of Black and White 1's mechanics (and to an extent Battle of the Gods), that'll be the direction I intend to take this thing.

Next thing to discuss is updates. I intend to plan a Soon™ date for the first update, then I will attempt to make fortnightly updates via forum posts here. This'll put less pressure on rushing to make things work and provide the community a larger list of the status of certain things.

And so, the era of OGaM can re-begin, let's start at Alpha v0.01, as I mentioned in an earlier post :)
Sounds incredible! I remember this concept, as well as the 'demo'... it was definitely unbelievable, as was me discovering it would never be worked on further on... light shines bright in places you never look to!

Good luck, and most importantly, have fun with it. :yes