When Nemesis is Gone

i personally would love to see a post-nemesis mod, see what a persons rendition of owning the creed would be.
Triple the power and/or duration of miracles? immortal creature? maybe, but, as i recall, BW1 was the one ya couldnt mod, not easily, at least.

Probably sounds silly, but i fancy the idea, BW1 kept a person busy because of the creature raising side of things, not because it had an utterly flawless and magnificent story, though it was good, with good voiceacting.

To be perfectly honest, all i wanted out of BW2 was BW1 with improved grafics and a new story, period.
Well, you can sill use him to work backwards, you just have to be diligent and keep pulling him back. The sacrifice thing is just for convenience, so you can destroy the temple and then take the last two villages (normally first two). As long as you keep him back in the town you're working on, it will be no problem.

Havoc: I think that is an excellent idea. But I also thought that was what the epic miracles were in BW2?
They were epic, but, not really what im after, epics in #2 are basically just prettier extreme megablasts to me, and dont really have anything to do with the creed from BW1.
Anyone else notice that the emphasis on the creed dissapeared in Bw2?

Hm. Well, the only thing the creed was shown to do in BW1 was create an extremely long, localized extreme uberblast on Nemesis's temple.