Kays and IcEnOuNeT thank you! >.< I spent two hours trying to find this patch and then another trying to install it! Those with XP and the wrong version error, follow IcEnOuNeT's instructions!
At last! Thank you so much for hosting this patch here! I tried those stupid download sites, fileplanet, gamespot...you name it.... they had it of course, but they won't let you get it without giving them some cash.... wouldn't be so bad if I had high-speed internet.. The internet just isn't made for those of us with 56k modems anymore.... too bad they don't offer anythng faster here.
Thank you again, you kick ass.
Thankgod there is a patch to get the game running in windows XP...I almost thought there was no other solution then thowing the PC out of the bedroom window out of frustration THX a lot for offering us the oppertunity to get thigns working right
Got a new one for you all. So I have installed patch 1.10 and 1.20. Not 1.30 cos I don't know what a P5 glove is and people say not to bother. I have set it to compatibilty mode win 98. The computer gets all excited and makes that whirly sound it likes to do sometimes when it feels like messing with your head and i swear the game is loaded up and ready to go when my old, cheap worthless monitor goes schizo and says signal frequency out of range. Of course then go to change refresh rate but no way to improve beyond 85mhz. Any recommendations b4 the monitor goes out the window?
Sell it... that's my recommendation. Never through away without trying to get something for it. However nice it may feel inside. So say I, that is my Will.
i bought black and white deluxe (and downloaded only black and white not creature isle) anyway when i try to download patch 1.20 about 48% the way through it says old file does not exit, then it says black and white could not be patched at this location