Skin request(s)

Dr. Sazar said:
Actually the lion dosen't use a hair file, it's part of it's skin.

*Facepalm* Ah ok thanks.

Dr. Sazar said:
Also, if I submit a file that was made by someone else, but i changed it slightly, will i be sued or is that okay? ??? because i want to make the female lion, tiger, and leopard with eve's mesh.

i got eve's mesh of of this site.

Of course not, any skin you make by modifying an original is a custom skin, and any skin you base on someone else's custom skin you should probably give credit (assuming you can find out who made it) in the readme but the skins are public domain. I can at the very least promise you there's no legal risk on your part unless you take a default skin created by Lionhead and claim it as your own.
kilaa1000 said:
Haha ok, then I better leave it there, I just want a more female lion version, the rest I just want to have the hair where it is right now :p

Well removing the hair files will just remove discolored whiskers, those huge ugly clippy spikes on the Mandril's face, that horribly clippy mane on the Horse and Zebra, and that horrible ugly often discolored clippy hair on the Ape and Chimp. Chances are if you remove those files you won't mess them, to see the chimp's hair constantly going INSIDE his face and the mandrils whiskers being all jerky and going INSIDE his arms and stuff sure is an eye sore.

The hair files often conflict with custom skins anyway. For example the Evil Yeti Ape is white, but the hair will still be purple. The Golden Good Tiger is golden, but the whiskers won't be, and the White Good Tiger will still have yellow whiskers.
Here are the first two female cats. Taking away the lioness's mane will be really time consuming, is this okay?
It might be best to leave the mane out on the lioness, they don't have manes :P
The lion still looks a bit strange with the manes :(
The tiger looks very nice tho :yes
SkelApe said:
You can use MilkShape to change the colour of the hair btw.

But can Milk Shape make the hair not clip through the evil ape's face, or the Mandril's whiskers not look like a glitchy clippy abomination on the face of your creature?
No, but MilkShape can change the length of hair to make the whiskers and the ape's hair shorter.
I made this, it's uploaded, and awaiting to be set into the download area! ^^

A fully 'female' tiger! - By the way.. I didn't quite test it yet.. so.. if it doesn't work, PM me as soon as you can.

Gonna test it in an hour or so, but first! Dinner! :D

Tested it, and well.. as the eve model wasn't intended for use as god creature.. it sometimes has really awkward clippings..

It's arms go through the body during certain animations, and it's mouth sometimes.. does a flip. But, if that doesn't bother you, she's quite healthy otherwise. - The larger she becomes, the less apparent most animation flaws are.

Most face flaws are only when she's age 0, once she gets 3 or 4, she'll just have weird clippy arms during animations such as  "Ey, stay off my crotch!" - the wavy one.

Also, at times it's quite apperant the skin is made from parts, rather then a nice whole wrap.. I do appologise, this is my flaw - back of the neck / head, and sides of belly of the normal skin could indeed have blended better.

Suggestion; Use the eyeballs from either of these two mods, as they enlarge the iris, making it look less.. silly, and more animal like. - The good one will result in golden Iris' - The evil one will result in purple brown Iris' with a slightly red tinted eye-white.  REMEMBER TO BACK UP ALL FILES ! - Good - Evil

click to enlarge
I think it does those clippy animations because the model was intended for the eve skeleton, not the tiger skeleton. In BW1, the model you made uses the tiger skeleton instead of the eve one :) I've tried doing stuff like this before, and that's an annoying issue  :rolleyes Love the evil one btw  :woot
Mind you, I didn't do a whole lot to all the skins, I just lowered the 'pecks' so the chest wouldn't look awful.
I'll be right on it! :D

And done! :D

:angel Now my Creature is a Godly Glimmering Golden Turtle!  :yes

I have one more request. There's just not enough difference between the mesh of a Good temple and the mesh of a Neutral temple, so a Golden Temple would be amazing! A Pearl White temple would also be cool!
There are no ways to change the temples, unless you want a red good temple, in which case you'd swap the names of the good and evil temple files. The 100% good temple is pearl white already i think, and i think the good mesh is better than the evil or neutral meshes, personally  :)
Mhm, I was about to say, you're probably not good enough, as there are deffinate differances between a neutral and a good temple.

Try using KayssTraining Map, or other 'turn good' maps to see how a good temple looks on a seperate 'god'.

Also, I would love to see the turle on a screenshot ^^ all shimery and glowing.
The Turtle is now my avatar =)

But actually I know for a fact that you can change the temple, because other people have already done so. There's a Yellow temple in the downloads section under misc skins, and there used to be an onyx black evil temple on BWplanet, or whatever that german or dutch site was with all the downloads.

I guess I'm not 100% good yet though, thanks for the help. I'd still love a golden temple, but a white one's fine.