Post Pics of Your Creature

my creature had a sudden bout of sillyness!

the last one has explaining... he picked up that same woman at least 3 times! allways scairing the mess outta her, putting her down and laughing his tail off! XD
The last one looks the best, What program do you use for the skin editing?
I have never really tried skin editing. So.............How do you do it?
so far I got photoshop, downloaded a patch for it, and then got an unpacker... once thats done photoshop can open the .dss ( I think thats it ) files for skinning ^^ so far the lay outs on the skins themselves are pretty simple and easy to follow =D
I now have the software but I dont know where the location of the skins is. Im pretty sure but just verify it please. Where is it then?
The skins are actually in the Everything.stuff file. Download and use Wally's Destuffit to upack that file and then the textures for the creatures can be found in the ctr folder.
Oh yes, I think I have got the hang of it.


Obviously these are mere tests and not a real try at skin making, but now I now how. Thanks guys.
Very uh....basic work :D

Skinning is mad easy once you make about 3-12 a day :), try using special effects like invert and mix them for creativity
They where just tests to see if i could get it working, I'll do some proper ones today.
After a bit more messing about though. :D


The Jaguar/black cat ones alright, Doesn't compare to the real tiger though