Post Pics of Your Creature

I don't know if the 9200 will show fun. I believe it's only a DX8 card.

In the video options, do you see the option to show fur? I think it's only there with the V1.20 patch.

The thing to try is to go into the Data folder and open the graphics.config files with Notepad and change the numbers for your card. Try 1,1,1 or 2,1,2. You probably will get some lag though.
This is my creature Arkin, reborn after a year, and in the best shape of his life. Literally! I call him, Arkin Schwarzenlion.
You've gotta admit, he does look as buff and as in shape as Arnold Schwarzenager. I'll try to get a better video card soon, and take a better pic with better graphics. Go ahead with the jokes about the stature of my creature, for if you anger him, he shall bite of your head. (For only $24.99)

My new tiger with full fur on high graphics settings  :)

:p Bump Bump Bump


My BnW 2 creature
Howdy! Well, no one has been posted here for a long time. So, I might do it, here's my creature (Keith) with Guide, the lion:

And another one! (I don't know how can I modify my posts, so I don't have to create new ones) Personally, I love land 1 and 2 the most. And all the skirmish maps  :)

Nice looking tiger. :)

You only have one hour in which you can edit your posts.