Long Live B&W1


New member
Sep 4, 2015
I've been lurking this site literally for years. Black and White is a game that I have very fond memories of as a kid. It brings me joy to see that a site such as this is still online and people even post every so often. Thank you to the people who have helped keep it online for all these years!

The veterans of this site will probably gain nothing from this post and I understand that. I just want to help preserve a bit of information for anyone new who wants to try the amazing game of Black and White + CI.

I noticed that the cowgod.net site was offline. Luckily I made a backup of the windows 7 instructions from it. I know all this information can be found online still but I figured I'd share it anyways.
You can download the page rip here, it was done with a firefox addon called ScrapBook. Open the Index.html to view the page.

Proof that I don't have malicious intent...

The second bit of what I wanted to post is that I've had partial success in running B&W in windowed mode on windows 7 using a program called D3DWindower. It's not hard to find online.

Here are the settings I use for the tabs in D3DWindower v1.88
[Common]: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Checked Use Windowed Mode(, Checked Show FPS (Optional))
[Window Mode]: Checked DirectX 1-7, Checked DirectX 8-9, Checked DDraw Bit Wait, Checked Primary Blt
[Foreground Control]:Checked Use Foreground Control, Checked GetActiveWindow, Checked GetForegroundWindow (These all may be optional for you this is just what I use.)
[Direct Input]: Checked Use Direct Input, Checked SetCursorPos(optional?), Checked GetCursorPos(This is the option that is why I say partial success If you don't check this the mouse with flicker to the right but you can use the mouse camera movement, if you do check it the mouse wont flicker but you cant use the mouse camera movement only keyboard), (If you want the cursor locked inside the window Check Cursor Clip)

If anyone knows how to prevent the mouse flicker and be able to use the mouse to control the camera rotation, tilt, etc please let me know. (note this is not me asking for active help)

Hi, to stop the mouse flicker thing you have to play on fullscreen, playing windowed is what causes the flicker