B&W CI on Windows 7?

Got it to work!

Ended up having to uninstall everything and reinstalling it into the 'My Documents' folder, added the cracked CI.exe and it runs. No compatibility or administrator modes necessary.
Hi everyone, i'm trying to run B&W on Windows 10, i've already installed the creatrure add-ons and the patches, but at the moment of run the game (it doesn't matter if as administrator or not) it appears this message. :(

"No se encuentra el punto de entrada del procedimiento ?Initialise@LHDebugStack@@QBEHXZ en la biblioteca de vínculos dinámicos C:\Program Files (x86)\Lionhead Studios Ltd\Black & White\runblack.exe."

Anyone can help me? thank you.
Practical Submarine said:
Got it to work!

Ended up having to uninstall everything and reinstalling it into the 'My Documents' folder, added the cracked CI.exe and it runs. No compatibility or administrator modes necessary.

When you say you uninstalled everything, does that include B&W 1? Does that remove all your saved games?