About Artifacts

I guess you have a point. I have a sick need to see a screenshot of villages dancing around a giant glowing poo now.

Also, of all the forums I frequent this is by far the most interesting conversation taking place on any of them right now :laugh2
On PBW, there was a short story about people dancing around a giant creature poo. I don't remember much about it, but I remember one villager said, "'Tis a gift from our god!" to which the other consistently replied, "No, 'tis poo!" If my recollection is firm, the dancing one danced himself to death around the giant poo.
Goes to show our parents were right - "One day, if you're not careful, you'll wind up dancing to some piece of crap with no mind of your own" :p |
My parents never said that...

My daddy always used to say, "Son, the best thing in life is to crush the enemy, see their children driven before you, to hear the lamentations of their women." And momma used to tell me, "Son, if yer gonna get anywhere in life, ya gotta crush the enemy with overwhelming force and then carry away their women just to show who's boss. 'S'how we got you." But nothing about dancing to a piece of crap...

In short, I dunt get it. :(
Been internet deprived for  a few days... Fibre optic  cable nackered in the road.
Black Curtains ..... Do you want a screen shot or  to be able to watch your villagers live on your PC ? Both would be quite simple.
FP..... River Dance?
As nobody use to say as I remember... As you wade through the poo of life, sometimes you will find  a diamond ring, but mostly  you find poo. :D
We stand corrected then.

Although can I ask did you just check the scripts or did you try to get villagers to dance around some poo?  The reason I ask is that I've read that technically, the scripts don't allow it, but I was thinking there may have been some kinda save game bug that tweaks the status of a poo so that it can become an artifact?

I could've sworn it was possible, but that was so long ago now, I may have just been thinking of a poo shaped rock.

:shocked  ??? :shocked

That didn't read right.  I don't think about poo the whole time.  I just meant I had given the poo artifact issue some though................I'll shut up now :rolleyes :( .
:laugh2 I tried to get them to dance around some bleeding poo. I took my creature's poo, and dropped three pieces by the town center, then dropped four rocks (a statue, a black rock, a "meteor" and a crying stone) by the town center, then some more poo for good measure to make sure it was neither a positive nor a negative precedence thing, and then waited. Every single rock became a fully-charged artifact, the poo was all left untouched.

I did, however, get a screenshot of my creature taking food from the village store. I don't remember where we were discussing that, however. If someone could point me in the right direction...?
Okapi..... Mobilestatic & Mobileobject both can be  artifacts but  only one  is usually  worshiped for in  the normal way.
Hope this clears it up.

Well, why is it funny if people don't dance around it? Scripting it is one thing, but you could script anything as an artifact, non? But since poo is a poor artifact material, the entertainment comes from people dancing around it.
Haven't got one  at the moment.  But I can  get one  just need to mod a map and wait a while.
Will post one asap.
I tried to get a pic on Kilroys Training Grounds.
Spent about a day on it.  :rolleyes
But to no avail.  :(
Almost like Okapidragon.
Just I spent a day on it.  :laugh2
But I will be interested to see your pic, Gremxula.  :)
And how do you create a piece of poo in code/script?  ???
My mapping lists don't say.
Got a bit  carried  away so no screen shot.
Lifted straight from the mapping list....................CREATE_MOBILEOBJECT ("3190. 89,1960. 44",5, 5092, 7000) creates a giant poo.

But  a Video instead  :D

Giant Poo !!
As an artifact !!
Artifact for another God !!
Worshiped by your followers??
Could you make a video of the poo being thrown in the air? Or the poo being moved from your village into an enemy village?
Man!!!!!  A poo artifact!?!  Yes!!  :yourock:
May I ask how you got such a clear video?
And thanks for the code to code in a giant piece of poo!  :D

So... about the other God's artifact. When you place it in your village and your followers worship it, does the belief add up for the other God, or you? I noticed that they got the red above their heads.

Can you make your people worship someone else? :shocked
B C.. You will be able to  try for yourself  soon  , as I am  working on  some  more  ideas hovering  objects/artifacts can be scripted but as soon as they are touched they fall .
I may have worked out  a way to place things in the sky, for all practical  purposes.
AApe...Seeing is  believing !
Bis the poo is  as mobile as any  object in B&W1. I must admit though when making the map I wondered why the poo could not be found before I realised  it was too close to the enemy Temple  and got  cleared away before I got there. :D