Hello everyone!
Use this guide to create a Failproof landscape!
Here you have all the tools top make a fully functional land from scratch, so, let get started!
- Photoshop (or any other raw compatible image editor)
- Creativity
- Black & white 1.42 installed
- Bw surveyor installed (included)
- Lndromat 0.99 (included)
- SculptEd (included)
- Script editor (Somewhat included)
- OTHERS/optional --- Land Info Extractor (Lnd- bdd, included) (to extract heightmaps and textures from lnd files)
1- Open raw file folder, and open "OpenToMakerRaw.psd" with photoshop, there you will have precise instructions to make a haightmap inside a square, you can create your own heightmap or download them from anywhere (google images is a good place to start) and fit it inside the square, then save the new image as a raw file
2- Go to the LNDROMAT folder, Open LndroMat.exe, then select your recently created raw file, then lndromat will ask you for a dds file for low res texture, find "dummy.dds" in the lndromat folder, then it will ask for country textures, here you can select a .lnd file from your landscape folder of black & white, different lands will give different textures, then it will export a .lnd file and name it as you want, done.
3- BwSurveyor (hope you installed thise in the folders directory for better managment), open the newly created lnd files, you will see some horrible red squares everywhere, don't worry, we will get rid of these, go to landscape editor mode, and edit countries, then select something that fits well, then, save the land (you can also use bwsurveyor to do some minor fixes to the land)
4- You can use SculpEd to do more changes, using letter "Q" you can edit heights and textures will change dynamically, use a soft brush around the map to create perfect coastlines! (remember using Ctrl and right click to move around the map in sculpted, wheel click to change the point of view and both mouse buttons for zoom!) then, save your map.
5- Open land with surveyor to fix low res textures (thanks to Kratzean!)
///////// Now, your map is finished, just load it from an script in-game to see your creation! //////////
5- In the Scripts folder i added some usefull scripts library to make maps, also, you can use BwSurveyor to get coordenates)
//////////CAUTION: Sometimes using SculptEd can create a random glitched block at the corner of the map (in the sea) to solve this, just delete a block in bw surveyor!
6- If your resulting land is beyond repairable, use the Land Info Extractor (Lnd-bdd) to extract the heightmap, fix it with your desiered raw editor and use lndromat again.
7- To script the land, i recommend using Genesis mod expansion from Kratzean with an integrated landscape editor: Genesis mod 3.10:
(Requieres creature Isle)
Thanks to everyone who still play this awesome game, thanks to the developers who created these nice tools, this compilation/creation kit is dedicated to them, to you, to everyone <3
Join our community! https://forum.bwgame.net
- VandalBlueX
---------- Update log --------------------------------------
V1.2: Added new brushes to SculptEd, now it haves more brushes and a special brush for coastlines! (Thanks to blueflower12)
Added a new tutorial video to know step by step to make a perfect landscape (Adobe Photoshop)
Fixed coastline brush of BwSurveyor
V1.1: Adds a better template box (raw.psd) and a new tip (coastlines)
Adds new readmes
Adds both versions (RC1 and RC2) of BwSurveyor, a better readme with instructions, adds "coastline" brush to surveyor, also add Kratzean fix for low res textures.
Adds Land Info Extractor (Original Lnd-bdd) to extract textures and heightmaps from lnd files
V1.0 - Initial Release, compilation of the best landscape editors!
Hello everyone!
Use this guide to create a Failproof landscape!
Here you have all the tools top make a fully functional land from scratch, so, let get started!
- Photoshop (or any other raw compatible image editor)
- Creativity
- Black & white 1.42 installed
- Bw surveyor installed (included in this pack)
- Lndromat 0.99 (included)
- SculptEd (included)
- Script editor (Somewhat included)
- OTHERS/optional --- Land Info Extractor (Lnd- bdd, included) (to extract heightmaps and textures from lnd files)
1- Open raw file folder, and open "OpenToMakerRaw.psd" with photoshop, there you will have precise instructions to make a haightmap inside a square, you can create your own heightmap or download them from anywhere (google images is a good place to start) and fit it inside the square, then save the new image as a raw file
2- Go to the LNDROMAT folder, Open LndroMat.exe, then select your recently created raw file, then lndromat will ask you for a dds file for low res texture, find "dummy.dds" in the lndromat folder, then it will ask for country textures, here you can select a .lnd file from your landscape folder of black & white, different lands will give different textures, then it will export a .lnd file and name it as you want, done.
3- BwSurveyor (hope you installed thise in the folders directory for better managment), open the newly created lnd files, you will see some horrible red squares everywhere, don't worry, we will get rid of these, go to landscape editor mode, and edit countries, then select something that fits well, then, save the land (you can also use bwsurveyor to do some minor fixes to the land)
4- You can use SculpEd to do more changes, using letter "Q" you can edit heights and textures will change dynamically, use a soft brush around the map to create perfect coastlines! (remember using Ctrl and right click to move around the map in sculpted, wheel click to change the point of view and both mouse buttons for zoom!) then, save your map.
5- Open land with surveyor to fix low res textures (thanks to Kratzean!)
///////// Now, your map is finished, just load it from an script in-game to see your creation! //////////
5- In the Scripts folder i added some usefull scripts library to make maps, also, you can use BwSurveyor to get coordenates)
//////////CAUTION: Sometimes using SculptEd can create a random glitched block at the corner of the map (in the sea) to solve this, just delete a block in bw surveyor!
Thanks to everyone who still play this awesome game, thanks to the developers who created these nice tools, this compilation/creation kit is dedicated to them, to you, to everyone <3
- VandalBlueX
---------- Update log --------------------------------------
V1.1: Adds a better template box (raw.psd) and a new tip (coastlines)
Adds new readmes
Adds both versions (RC1 and RC2) of BwSurveyor, a better readme with instructions, adds "coastline" brush to surveyor, also add Kratzean fix for low res textures.
Adds Land Info Extractor (Original Lnd-bdd) to extract textures and heightmaps from lnd files
V1.0 - Initial Release