well are you able to go back to the first two lands ie( tutorial and ur capitol) im not a leet moddin guy but reply if u know anything on that thanks in advance.
Patches - not really, they take time and they did release a whooper of a one right as the game was released afterall . As for the tools, I'm beginning to agree with you. They've been promised for quite a while.
We do know however that another patch has been promised in December (most likely late December). I wonder will the tools be released along with them ??? ?
oooo maybe itll be their christmas present to us :laugh:
they are taking their time but maybe it will good. unfortunately the same cant be said for the actual game.
3 years just to have super graphics and crap everything else, that doesnt sell games :no infact without a decent plot or gameplay i see no point staring like an idiot in amazement at the graphics while some predictable enemy smashes up your city but at least the game has an acceptable plot & gameplay i guess. those tools would be nice right about now though beause the game seems so short and i cant play it because they went overkill on the graphics >.> :angry:
i did but i got one of those intel motherboards an the nvidia cards and all the others have different chip pattern thingies so they dont fit. also my current vid card is attached to the motherboard so any new one would have to be hooked up to it anyway and its a big mess about just to play 1! game when i can play every other fine.
Anyway apart from the destuffit program to crack open the .stuff files anyone noticed any other tools handy to mess with scripts apart from a long temper and a keen eye for spotting logic in the scripts? reeally i wouldnt need tools bu with no means to test and no motivation ill leave it to those with motivation. as for now i was hoping to find a tester for a lil army clothed devil guy i have been working on for a while it aint finished yet but intergrating pictures onto skins is my specialty