Ah, a treasure trove of questions I have the answers to. :laugh2
The wonders I remember are:
Celtic: Storm, water miracles.
Norse: Food, wood and water.
Japanese: Heal miracles, and DOES decrease desires, though I might be imagining it; Too many variables.
Aztec: All destructive miracles (megablast increase and extreme, fireball, and lightning).
Indian: Increases speed of the people and strength of lightning and I think storm; I think it is supposed to increase birth rate, but I observed no change.
Greek: Wolves and birds.
Egyptian: Birds.
All wonders make majour additions to influence, making it so if you use my strategy in Land 2, which is to spam-build wonders, which also increase impressiveness, making each subsequent one bigger (and easier to build, since it makes you produce more wood), you can reach Lethys's temple before you take even a single other village. Proceed to burn down his temple, knowing that this will make you evil and destroy some villages.
(Protip: If you use the slow-motion and pause settings, and collect bird miracles from the dispenser starting as soon as you get them, you can spam birds over Lethys' villages, converting them all
at one time and then quickly burn his temple with fireballs from one of the villages (don't remember which), and win the land without losing your creature. :woot )
1: It depends on impressiveness. To see how much belief you have in a village you own, hover over the village center. Birds, heal increases, and all kinds of miracles except wolves are decent for gaining belief, just try not to destroy the village, or they will rebuild instead of dancing. By the end of Land 2, I typically have at least 8000 belief, though sometimes the maximum, 9500 (OVER 9000!!!), in my Norse starter village, and about fifteen artifacts. (Protip: throw all the dud singing stones through the vortex in Land 1... AND THROW THE ACTIVE ONES TOO. Right next to the vortex is an active singing stone on the side of the mountain. Every time it disappears into the vortex, a new one appears. These are great artifacts: Easy to see from high above, unbreakable, and easily arranged in a ring around a scaffold spot.)
2: When one is fully charged it gets the symbol. After that, instead of gaining strength, it gains duration--It will stay fully charged for longer when used to convert a village. But it doesn't make wonders any bigger, or give any more belief, and they do not deplete when used for wonders. (Protip: Indian wonder makes people worship and dance faster, too. :

: )
3: Yep. Shock and awe. It doesn't put fires out, either. But the increase will set things on fire with lightning. This is useful if you want to attack something with lightning that is far out of your influence with lightning, as you can control the direction of the cloud using aftertouch. Extreme makes an effing huge tornado, which I enjoy using to rip up entire villages. I actually prefer it to the visually boring megablast extreme.
4: It means they are unhappy with you. If you get that message, you are probably a good god at the moment and your village has high desires or its belief is dropping from lack of attention. It means people are going Atheist. If people are converting to another god, it will say another god is attacking your village.
5: Yes. He needs to know:
-How to use the village store. Leash him to the village store or to a person that is using the village store with the Leash of Learning, or just let him wander around town if he is an ape creature (the zebra and horse might work too, they are pretty intelligent).
-To cast the miracle at the village store. Wear the leash of learning and cast the miracles
into the store. Never cast them on the ground, because he need to know that they belong in the store.
6: No. I have never managed to teach a creature to feed worshipers. He will watch them and learn to dance though.
7: I believe it is population-based. I don't pay much attention to it anymore, as lately my strategy uses so many miracles and eternal shields and the such and my population rises so quickly that it never really hits the limit. In empire-builder maps, after you get going you seem to both get worship points faster and hit the limit less often, so I think the cap is based on population.
8: Storm is considered evil because it scares people.
Birds: passive/neutral (only impressive).
Wolves: aggressive and neutral (idk, I guess if the wolves do the damage you don't take the blame. It gets no belief points, though). (Protip: Only one use for these. Make a couple of big Greek wonders and cast a few wolf miracles on an enemy town. Everyone will die, and you will have no drop in alignment. Follow it by putting one missionary in the town, wait ten seconds for them to change clothes, and the town is yours! Remember to repopulate it.)
Lightning: Aggressive, Variable. (if you kill predators (wolves, lions, etcetera, and yes, this includes wolves you produce, it increases your alignment, neutral if you use it on nothing, evil otherwise).
Fireball: Aggressive, variable (neutral if used on ground or trees, evil if used on buildings or people).
Megablast: Aggressive, variable (if it doesn't hit anything, it is neutral).
Storm: Aggressive, evil (the only one that is always evil; I guess technically if it doesn't come in range of anything it might be neutral).
Heal: Passive, good.
Food: Passive, good.
Water: Passive, variable (it can be neutral if used on bare ground or wild trees).
Wood: Passive, good.
Shield: Passive, neutral.
All creature miracles: Creature, neutral.
The definitions of the miracles are passive, aggressive and creature, but I included the alignment impact they seem to have. Wolves is technically passive, but I consider it aggressive. In Kilroy's Training Ground and all the other maps that use the plot with every single miracle dispenser these are divided into three sections for easy identification. Passive miracles as a rule are never evil, though they can be put to evil use (bouncing rocks off of a physical shield for greater accuracy, anyone? Or blocking an enemy god from putting out fires in your village), aggressive miracles can go either way but are usually used for evil, and creature miracles are neutral, even the aggressive and loving creature miracles.
Hope all that helped!