SPOILERS. Please read

The tiger is a all aroung creature. its liked the perfect creature better than the lion and wolf its samrt, really fast, and really intelligient. once i tell him not to do it he nevers does it agn. hes really smart hes the best of all the creatures
lion rulleeessss it also runs really fast when its young i cant keep up with it heheehhe!!!
my creature hardly eats at all he leaves it till it gets down and then says "im hungry"and then doesnt bother eating than he waits till the sleep gets down than says "im tired" than goes and stomps all other a platoon and than goes to bed and still hasnt fed it self(weird)
AHumm.... I will give stats out. As someone said n the beginging a wolf is like 5 speed 4 int 3 strength . but you can make that rise.

Lion AND Tiger 5 str 4 speed 3 int. yes he is stupid so i correct someone...

Ape int 5 str 4 speed 4 or 3

Cow Kinda jack-of-trades. 4 or 3 everything
my creature (tiger) is like so dumb in feeding it self but does everthinge else perfectly how wierd
he has no fat but alot of mucel i make him workout hehe
the wolf has many int but low str...  I read it somewhere on gamfaqs :p you just need to let him train with trees and than the wolf will be as strong as the lion and the tiger (they are the strongest! duh :P)
the cow has a bit of everything but he is the one that is good from his nature.. (or something like that :p)  and the thing that Zackers said about the lion, tiger and ape is true.. :;):