Short New Topic-------Making Roads

So, why do roads slowly build up from cobble stones, if you plan them..

Yet the dumb people, still don't use your road? - yet trample all over the nature-placed grass, and then.. do so again, right next to it!

Even though they made their own f'n road!

More so, why does the grass trampling happen so quickly? - is there a stat to edit so it won't?
Now that, I don't know. I don't actually own BW2, and only ever play it at Skeith's (old member that got banned for flaming) house.
when i get bored i fill the city with roads so you get a "paved area" effect, so trampling solved.
but because the paths are randomly placed the game can lag as people find their way round wierdly placed streets.
Fvwe are already talking about making roads straight, i just wonder what Ganon's up to of theres any hotkey in the landscape editor, to make perfectly straight lines and ramps. Im making a map with à realy cool fortress, but it looks a bit sloppy, because of my unsteady hand.
The solution is to buy a steadier hand.

Anything is possible in the Wonderful and Glorious People's Republical Empire of North Korea for the Enjoyment of Our Golden Dictator Kim Jong Il Internet!
so thats it? is it scriptable or something? cuz it looks uncool if you have a cool fortress-thing, with a nasty growth on the side.
apparently the spanish used to build really wierd shaped castles so that canonballs would cause less damage, so you can claim to onlookers that you are reliving history.
TheContradiction said:
Na hablo español, so no dildo-shaped bunkers for me.
Ohaha, quite a way to put it. There might be something, but I don't really do BW2, so I'm not the one to ask.

Incidentally, Anglosaxon, where does all of this odd historical knowledge come from? You strike me as the more artistic posh type, but then all of a sudden every so often you spout off "weird-shaped bunkers" this and "airplane-shaped cave drawings" that. ??? Did you know that just over one percent of people alive today are directly descended from Genghis Khan? It seems silly to think that many people could be Mongolian nobles, but think how many children he made illegitimately by pillaging and raping. You see? That is the weirdest I can come up with off the top of my head. But you just spout the stuff. :shocked
i was born with a history book in my hand. [/metaphor]

i really enjoy history, sometimes i have this obseccion with a region of the past that stays for about a year or so. i was really interested in roman germania for a while, but now im obcessed with the levant during the third crusade and the abbasid empire during the 1180s. a bit specific.

and anyway, i cant understand how you come up with all sorts of facts and strories that just spout out like electrons from a radiation souce.

sorry for my bad spelling, im dying to finish this post so i can play civ4.

ps: you imagined me as an artistic posh type, but it couldnt be further from the truth. my parents were both born into poor families,but are doing just fine now. i was always considered the retard of the family and crawled on one knee and recited digits of pi from a young age. i only became artistic about 4 years ago; the talent must have been inside me for a while becasue i never learned from anyone, i just drew a picture and thought, "hey, thats good."
Really? I was born with a birthmark on my neck that looks exactly like the Millenium Falcon, and my first little sister has a goat's beard (as well as a birthmark that looks like the Starship Enterprise on her neck). [/hilariously actually true]

I'm rather a history buff, too, as long as the history in question is extremely strange/about a World War/pertaining to religion or alchemy. Not really history in general, though.

As to that... I started on computers when I was three, the Internets when I was four, and my childhood heroes were Bill Nye, Hawking and Loyd. :;):  I always wanted to be a Scientist and do Science for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead, but I found that my natural affinity for visual mathematics and my slight savantism with numbers and the fact that I am cool and handsome and not a nerd, but also not in the movies where all scientists are cool and handsome, meant that I was much more apt to be a physicist or an engineer. Since municipal old regular physics are just too easy, and everybody hates engineers, my path was clear: Theoretical and particle physics. And since String theorists are a bunch of idiots and New-Age-Spiritualists, Quantum was the way I went. I've also readily picked up every even slightly useless fact (even if it is 99%useful and 1%useless) along the way, though I can never remember things like what the Daemons are called, or particular formulae, or things that I am supposed to actually do/remember; All I am good at is being incredibly knowledgable, wise and handsome, and also I am decent at writing.

Also, how is Civ4? I really want to play it. I mean, badly. Isn't that the one partially done in Python? :woot

Ah, I see. I am also pretty good at drawing, but I don't consider myself very artistic in terms of production because sketching alone is not much considered "art" (though I'm thinking of seeing if I can get a job doing graphics for some graphic novels), and I loathe painting and can only sculpt or carve anything when given so much time it makes your head swim just thinking about it--I'm talking GEOLOGICAL time. But I judged by your drawing style (assuming you drew your signature?) and the fact that you actually colour stuff in (again?) that you were more the sort of "urban artistical" type.

But, hey, nothing wrong with not being a damned Indie kid! :D
useless facts? i was full of them by the age of about 5. i remember in nursery i drew a diagram of the ear on a piece of paper, and thinking i would get in trouble i hid it. from that day on teachers treated me differently.

CIV4? yes, its partly in python script, but i cant mod it becasue my slightly autistic brain cant handle stuff like that.

Indie artist? no, i consider myself a grumpy old man. whenever anyone asks me to draw them i make a deeply offensive caricature, and when people in my class get on my nerves i draw them properly and facebook them. and my view on art is viciously right wing; if something requires no skill to execute, it is not art. period. like damien hirst and his half - headed hounds, i believe that some artists cannot draw. they take out thier anger by doing useless sculptures. i dont draw to make o political point, i draw because i like the result, or because im bored in classes.

want to see some of work? ive made a few slideshows on my modest youtube channel.
I, for one, cannot draw.  I can write, but I cannot draw.  Or sculpt, or paint.  My stick people drawings are the laughingstock of the entire nation.
Not bad, not bad at all. I have to say, though, you look very angry in that picture. :laugh2  Seriously, you look like you are about to punch the camera, you are sneering so hard. Or maybe it is the angle. 'Tis kinda weird, because I have associated you with your avatar, which is obviously a much older picture.

When I was five... Let's see... Nope, that was still when everybody thought I was retarded because I refused to do their maths, the reason in fact being that I saw its flaws: We had to do all this "showing our work" crap where we regrouped or did something else that probably also has to do with military strategy (I think regrouping was subtraction, so whatever the additive equivalent wold be :p ) when it was easy enough to just put the numbers together or take them apart, and simply using inverse negatives on long subtraction problems was easy enough and could quite easily be held as a tally in one's head, much like card counting, and the thing I always REALLY hated was when they would say you couldn't subtract a big number from a small number. Aside from the fact that I was already working with variables and exponents and logarithms.

However, around six, my collection of useless facts started to rapidly shoot up, since I finally got around to learning how to actually read real words, instead of maths. Before that, my knowledge had amounted to anything my dad's stoner friends had taught me visually or verbally, pretty much, so I knew a lot about pornography (kind of sad, a six year old being so experienced in that, I know, but hey, I was never one of the awkward titterers in SexEd classes, so I guess it has its applications), Greek/Celtic gods/goddesses, astrology, the planets, names of drugs (again, rather sad, but I am seriously the only kid I know that has not said they have at least considered trying marijuana or several worse things that I won't even mention, since I don't want to go off the end of propriety here, and I'm afraid I'm already pushing it), and various other such things (I think the only useful information they taught me was when his friend "Squirrel" taught me how to pick up women, and also taught me how to be cute in front of motherly females working in stores so we could get discounts). However, with the advent of reading, I suddenly knew everything there was to know about anatomy that I would never use, biology, the platypus, the okapi :blush , the anatomy of the former, colour theory, Shakespeare, the few other good poets, the World Wars, actual occultism, and all sorts of other things. Quickly, I became a fount of wisdom on all subjects, and by the time I was ten everybody in my medium-sized Elementary school (I think the divisions are different in the U.K., but pretty much it goes up to age eleven) knew me as the living Encyclopaedia, and, in truly charming illiterate style, many would say, "Encyclopedia Brown ain't got nothin' on that boy."

That is pretty much the extremely condensed story of my childhood, there. :D

Gallop: Stick people REPRESENT!
Lolwut? I was talking to Anglosaxon about the picture. I have no clue what avatar picture YOU are talking about Gallop; All I see is a horse. ???

Also, not a bad stick-figure horse. Here, I'll upload one of my drawings and link to it, though I doubt very much I have anything good on me right now.

I was right. This and the original blue version (done in a blue pen, this is just desaturated) are the only pictures I have on my flash drive aside from a meticulously labeled heptagram.

The story behind this picture was that one of my friends was trying to draw a little emo guy during Geometry (we were the two smartest students in the class by several times, and he isn't even good at maths, so we pretty much did nothing ever in that class--It was basically a free period in which we occasionally had to take a five-minute test but mostly passed notes and drew and listened to music and the such), and he had been sitting there for about fifteen minutes and all he had to show for it was a sort of awkwardly drawn face and a shoulder that was both hilariously broad and about a foot (thinking in terms of scale, not literal size) too high, like freaking Frankenstein's monster. So, I said that I bet I could draw a WHOLE person and do it much better in the five minutes we had left in class; He said he was sure I could, because he knew I was good at drawing and he was suck. Two minutes later, this.


Cool story?
:happytears: posting in epic thread.

anyway, my avatar looks angry becasue i had been cycling for about 6 hours in an area i hardly knew and i had to use my internal compass to find my way home, ended up taking another 6 hours and an almost 30 mile detour in the resivour district of london. i was meant to be studying for an exam, and when i got home i was knackered to say the least. i walked the last 3 miles because i was so tired that if i had cycled i would have toppled over. when i got home my dad was furious, and so was i because if i had got home a few minutes earlier i would have beat him and been able to cover it up. but when his initial rage subsided, he asked me to point out on google earth where i had gone.

actually, i think my avatar is angry becasue i was multitasking; i had to hold the camera at arms length, hold the bike steady, look out for potential bike thiefs, and talk to the camera. my face screws up when i have to multitask. i think the same can be said for barrack obama.

yeah, most of my ideas (mods, drawings, stories, political coups) come to me while cycling. i guess the extra blood flow causes your brain to get the blood it needs. thanks to extensive and obcessive cycling, i now "suffer" from athlete's heart syndrome, meaning my heart rate never goes above 100BPM, and at rest is around 40BPM. my aunt said that my blood pressure is so low that if i got a large wound, space itself would be sucked into the vacuum that is my cardiovascular system.
Hm. Funny. I run several miles nearly every day, but my BP and heart rate are extraordinarily (even dangerously) high. My heart rate after a minute of light strenuous activity (say, jogging) is one-twenty, and my resting heart rate is eighty b/m. Then again, I am a peculiar person, and I think I permanently screwed myself up when I was drinking several cups of coffee a day and taking caffeine pills for about a year.  :p

It's funny, thinking about it this way, but I've spent so much time in Google Earth and StreetView looking around London, I might actually know it better than people that live there, or at least have a better general idea. :laugh2 Man, weeks of my life (I mean solid weeks) must have been spent by this time on doing research for my stories, and this is no exception. These things had better sell. :laugh2
Okapidragon said:
weeks of my life (I mean solid weeks) must have been spent by this time on doing research for my stories,....

WHOAH. [/relate]

as i type i have a drawing pad next to me and i am trying to find aerial pictures of the umayyad mosque so i can draw it. i drew al khazneh in petra aswell, and that single expedition in art took me about a week. i dunno why i got the characters there in the first place; they could have stayed in a much easier - to - draw place; like the desert.

still, its good practice for my next comic where entire planets will be involved and ill have to draw bloody spacecraft. my brain gets me into the most annoying situations, but it keeps my heart beating so who am i to complain.
Huh. I always either draw really meticulous but bland things, or in a sloppy sketch, but it works out, when I am drawing buildings.

I can draw fairly rapidly, after years of experience (I started when I was in second grade (seven years old), and was fairly decent from the start), but I have to really concentrate and take things to balance my bodily functions, like caffeine or Benadryl, beforehand so that I neither get ahead of myself and draw disproportionately or go slow and get jittery. I also don't use any of the little tricks or rules that people are so fond of, like facial balance and stuff like that. In my opinion, if you make everybody using a "perfect" formula and draw faces by halving and thirding the head and always use the same shapes, so that hair style, eye colour and clothing are the only distinguishing features, the work tends to come out very homogeneous and bland. I draw by feel, which has the advantage that most of my characters are readily recognizable and have a much more "natural" or realistic feel then the absolutely archetypal people so common elsewhere, but has the catch that I have to really be concentrating, not letting my concentration stray to anything but the character's action and emotion, in order to keep the bodies proportionate. Also, for some reason, I am much more talented at drawing reptiles and sometimes birds than anything else, and dragons are what I'm best at.

(Also, not to sound like a chauvinist, but, for example, a woman looks better with longer legs, and a guy with broader shoulders, and so forth. I can't abide by these Japanese androgynes that have been so plaguing modern arts of people. I'm frankly sick of the obsession everybody has with Japan.