Hi everyone! Had to register only to make this one post

. To those that are having problem with the "lh has stopped working" and problems with patches when installing, what you need to do after you've cleaned your register and are going to try a re-install, install it into C:\ and make a folder WITHOUT SPACES!
In the installer program, remove the "&" symbol and all spaces. Example: C:\Games\BlackWhite <-- this is how i did it and the "lh has stopped working" went away and all patches installed without a problem.
Thought i should post this since i myself had quite a problem until i noticed this

Good luck!
Remember: NO spaces or funny symbols! ( " & " )
Remember to also thoroughly make sure you have removed all Registry values for BW1 before you attemt an re-install. I used Registrar Register Manager and did a Search for "Lionhead" and all relevant entries will show up for you to delete.
(http://www.resplendence.com/registrar) <- Software i used to clean register, don't know if posting this link is ok but i'll just wing it xD. Otherwise google "Registrar Registry Manager".
They have Home Edition which is free and Commercial/Professional for businesses with more advanced options that you pay for. To do this though all you need is the Home Edition.
MAKE SURE THEY ARE FOR BW1 FIRST THOUGH, if you have BW2 installed that will show up as well.
If you have BW2 installed you can do a search for "Lionhead Studios Ltd" instead, that will give you all entries related to BW1 only.