Alkatraz2212 said:My my my. Isn't this a blast from the past as well.
Fear not, kids. Dax disappeared for quite some time a while back, but then resurfaced. I myself am an old man as far as this forum goes (although many are much older than me!) and I remember the earliest days of OGaM.
Dax, hit me up if you ever wanna chat again. It's been a while, man.
Eurofutur said:Hi ! I'm surprised nobody answered ! I have just discovered about your project (thanks to FunniestMonkey for mentioning it !)
Is there an official blog or website, Facebook for the update ?
Looking forward for this !
Terrorfussel said:Heyim new to this board and to OGAM.
I just downloaded the latest update and i want to know if there is a way to play it online with a friend, or do i have to wait till the alpha will be released?
Greets Terrorfussel
Lisaxaphona said:Funny these comments were just posted 8 hours before this one I am posting now. I too was trying to find out if there has been any work on this mod. So is kayssplace called BWFiles now, or is it just a mirror? I was thinking of searching for an email and that Daxter may hopefully still check it.