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Of Gods and Mortals - V5 (RC 2.01) 1.0.0

The other gods have jagged movement, as if they are plastic, How do you get to next land, ships wont turn, bronze scroll for second boat tut doesn't work...Just disappears after clicking and epics harm my city, they never did that before. Oh and ships go halfway under water and theres a water surface that just floats sticking out of the mountain like a flat crystal.
Thankyou for your comments but this has been pointed out in the readme. Please read it before posting next time.
Not all of it. oh one question. How'd you change whats in the tribute menu? I went into map editor and i discovered 3 new things that aern't in the game. I hacked my maps to include em but I'd rather buy them.
i have unpacked it, but there is no readme and i am confused as to how to install the mod.
firedemon, norse would be the obvious race to have ships, because in B&W2, if you were more observant you should have realised tht they are the vikings, some of the best sailors in that time, so they would have benn the first to have ships.
Death7896 said:
firedemon, norse would be the obvious race to have ships, because in B&W2, if you were more observant you should have realised tht they are the vikings, some of the best sailors in that time, so they would have benn the first to have ships.

not exactly. the norse werent the best sailors of the time. if you asked arabs they might disagree.
the greeks had very powerful ships, and were more organised than the norse. their ships were designed for open sea warfare, not raiding monks on the coasts of the mediterranean. if the greeks met any norse, my money is on the greeks.
The Norse were in a different time period to the Greeks, so its pretty inaccurate to compare them. The greek ships were built for warfare, whereas the norse boats were built for transporting the kinsmen to coastlines, and didn't actually function as war boats. The Norse raided a famous british monastary called lindesfarne. They were so successful at travelling large distances because they had specially dried fish that would last for months.
SkelApe said:
They were so successful at travelling large distances because they had specially dried fish that would last for months.

ive tasted it - its like really tough fish fingers.
Just to jump in here. Although this is getting a bit off topic.

The Nores were seafaring more by necessity. If you look at the terrain of Norway, going by boat is about the easiest way to get around. Also, I thnk the Norse were more savey seafarers, given the hash enviroment of the North Atlantic and the area they managed to cover. Most of the Wertern Euporean coast to as far as North America. As well as constantly raiding the British Isles, they also settled there. Eventually contributing to the bloodline and culture of the peoples living there.
i need help installing the mod..... it didn't download in a zip folder so i dont know what to do
Welp, I doubt anyone even watches this anymore but if they do...
Mind someone helping me install this, I Click: Download this File: Then I click run: It downloads: Then it doesn't have a program to open it with? Or am I doing something wrong?
I dunno if you looked at the readme, but this is directly from that:

"Please place the following files into their correct location:

Default locations (C:) - Please change the letter of the drive to that of the one u have BnW2 installed to.

XP - C:Program FilesLionhead StudiosBlack & White 2
Vista - C:Program Files (x86)Lionhead StudiosBlack & White 2

Landscape Files (.bwe,.ter,.pat,.wal,_walk.xml) ====> DatalandscapeBW2
Script File(.chl) ====> ScriptsBW2
Map.txt ====> Scripts
Load screen (load_screen_2891.bmp) ====> Data
Sky Files(.sky) ====> DatalandscapeSkySettings
Video Files (.bik) ====> DataTutorial AVI"

Does that help?
No.. For what happens is this: I Click Download, It downloads fine.
But after it is downloading, Instead of a folder with all the Files, Scripts, map, Ect.
I get this:
Windows can't open this file:
File: OGam_v5 (1).rar
To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer.

Did they not put a unzipper automatically? Or is it because I didn't install the other 4 versions?
.rar is just the same as .zip but better compression.
This old file will need to be un-rar...ed in much the same way as  un-zip.  Adding an auto un-zip/rar version may have not been possible for several reasons at the time*.

For now just go to a trusted site like  Snapfiles and pick one of the free or "paid for" utilities to un-rar your download.

* I believe that 30mb was / is the file size limit for this site other sites had different limits .  So as a publisher of new content I understand that sometimes it is a trade off between ease of use for the user or giving the maximum content possible.
Oh yeah, that'll do it. Use something like 7-Zip or the free version of Winrar to extract that and it should be better.

I use 7-Zip, personally, but it doesn't really matter too much if you're only extracting.

Or follow Grem's advice and check out Snapfiles to get one. Whatever works.