Master_Jariah's hacking guide.
Ok. Here it is. This is for all you peeps who do not want to download the files, or don't know how to do it manually. This guide will go over tribute, construction, miracles, and more. Before we start, here is my warning. If you are lazy, this is not for you. Ok, here we go. (Make sure you use notepad for the editing. It is a whole lot easier to use.) You can contact me at
Construction: Here I will tell you how to build your buildings easily and fast. To do this go to the my documents folder. Type C:\Program Files\Lionhead Studios\. Click on the black and white 2 folder. Click on the data folder in the BW2 file selection that comes up. Next, click on the folder called balance. This contains all of the backbone files. Look through it till you find the text document called "GameBalanceBuilding". This will bring up a list of all of the tribe's buildings and the wonders. See the first two numbers next to the building names? These are the ONLY ones we will work with. The first number stands for the amount of wood required for each building. The second stands for the required ore. Only change the Greek buildings unless you want the enemy to build everything in seconds too. Change the first and second numbers to 1. If a number is zero, do not mess with it. This will not work for the walls unfortunately. This will make the buildings cost 1 wood and 1 ore, whatever the building takes. You can change the wonders but the enemy will be building theirs fast too. I just send in my creature to take theirs out. That's it for construction.
Building Impressiveness(not my favorite
): Ok. Follow the construction steps to get in. This time right click the "PlacementDataXML Document". Select edit. This will bring up a screen with all of the main building statistics. We will be editing the third building down. It is called type="abode" name="geek_abode_c">. Under this you will see<basevalue impressiveness=0.2" />. Change the 0.2 to 20. This will make the Greek villa's impressiveness be in the thousands. I do not recommend making it so high. It will win the land in seconds and it takes the fun out of the game. I set mine at a 3. Do what you will. It is your game. I have not tried to many others. If you get anything to change, please tell me. Next topic.
Miracles :woot: Now for some real fun. Go to the balance files again. This time click on the one called "GameBalanceMiracle". This has three main parts to it. We will be working only with the top two. Lets look at the second one first. This has the names of most of the miracles. The number right after the names controles the mana cost. Change all of the numbers to 1. Zero doesn't work. Their is a deal at the top called NONE with a value of 100. Leave it alone. this will make all your miracles cost 1 mana. Now look at the top section. Change the first number after the folowing to 1. HEAL_EVERYDAY, SHEILD_EVERYDAY,FLAMETHROWER_EVERYDAY,WATER_JET_EVERYDAY,LIGHTNING_EVERYDAY, and FIRE_BOMB_EVERYDAY. That is it. I have also discovered a wonderful thing. Ounce the alter is fully charged, the miracles become free! :woot :woot :woot Now for wonders. Their is no known way to edit these. If you find a way please tell me. To charge the wonders very fast, place a LOT of punishment spikes around the wonder. This will charge it in a few minutes. That is all for this topic.
Alignment :angel :devil: Go back to the balance files. Click on "GameBalanceAlignment". This is quite simple. As usual we will only use the first number after each thing. Here, all you have to do is add an remove the negatives as you please. You can also change the amount of evil and good points you get. WARNING: This can be an alignment killer if not used right. You change the number to whatever you want. NOTHING ABOVE 5. If you go above 5, your alignment will be ultimate good or evil before you know it. 5 makes it rise or lower fast to, but is controllable. Below I will give some examples.
Pick_Up_Tree -0.00002 = Pick_Up_Tree 0.00002 This will change picking up a tree to being good instead of evil.
Pick_Up_Tree -0.00002 = Pick_Up_Tree 0.00008 This will make picking up the tree more evil.
Note: The evil/good signs will change according to how you edit this file. This is for alignment.
Tribute costs: Here we dive into my financial side. Head back to the balance files as usual and click on "GameBalanceArtifact". This will work with the first numbers after the name too. Go through and change all of the first numbers to 0. This will make everything free. At the very bottom that says TOTAL_COST=6388000. Do not mess with this. You are now all set to go with your money.
Your Creature's Age: Go to the balance files. Click on "creature_physio". The 5th bit of data down is what we want. It is callled SecondsPerYear. This controls how fast the creature ages. Change this to 60. It will make your creature age a year for every real minute. Change this to whatever you want.
I do not suggest messing with any other files. If you want to edit the game further, you must download the balance file.
Credits: Putting punishment spikes around the wonder was Kay's idea. All credit for this goes to him. The rest of this guide was thanks to my curiosity. You may use and post this guide as you wish as long as the proper credit is given.
Ok. Here it is. This is for all you peeps who do not want to download the files, or don't know how to do it manually. This guide will go over tribute, construction, miracles, and more. Before we start, here is my warning. If you are lazy, this is not for you. Ok, here we go. (Make sure you use notepad for the editing. It is a whole lot easier to use.) You can contact me at
Construction: Here I will tell you how to build your buildings easily and fast. To do this go to the my documents folder. Type C:\Program Files\Lionhead Studios\. Click on the black and white 2 folder. Click on the data folder in the BW2 file selection that comes up. Next, click on the folder called balance. This contains all of the backbone files. Look through it till you find the text document called "GameBalanceBuilding". This will bring up a list of all of the tribe's buildings and the wonders. See the first two numbers next to the building names? These are the ONLY ones we will work with. The first number stands for the amount of wood required for each building. The second stands for the required ore. Only change the Greek buildings unless you want the enemy to build everything in seconds too. Change the first and second numbers to 1. If a number is zero, do not mess with it. This will not work for the walls unfortunately. This will make the buildings cost 1 wood and 1 ore, whatever the building takes. You can change the wonders but the enemy will be building theirs fast too. I just send in my creature to take theirs out. That's it for construction.

Building Impressiveness(not my favorite

Miracles :woot: Now for some real fun. Go to the balance files again. This time click on the one called "GameBalanceMiracle". This has three main parts to it. We will be working only with the top two. Lets look at the second one first. This has the names of most of the miracles. The number right after the names controles the mana cost. Change all of the numbers to 1. Zero doesn't work. Their is a deal at the top called NONE with a value of 100. Leave it alone. this will make all your miracles cost 1 mana. Now look at the top section. Change the first number after the folowing to 1. HEAL_EVERYDAY, SHEILD_EVERYDAY,FLAMETHROWER_EVERYDAY,WATER_JET_EVERYDAY,LIGHTNING_EVERYDAY, and FIRE_BOMB_EVERYDAY. That is it. I have also discovered a wonderful thing. Ounce the alter is fully charged, the miracles become free! :woot :woot :woot Now for wonders. Their is no known way to edit these. If you find a way please tell me. To charge the wonders very fast, place a LOT of punishment spikes around the wonder. This will charge it in a few minutes. That is all for this topic.
Alignment :angel :devil: Go back to the balance files. Click on "GameBalanceAlignment". This is quite simple. As usual we will only use the first number after each thing. Here, all you have to do is add an remove the negatives as you please. You can also change the amount of evil and good points you get. WARNING: This can be an alignment killer if not used right. You change the number to whatever you want. NOTHING ABOVE 5. If you go above 5, your alignment will be ultimate good or evil before you know it. 5 makes it rise or lower fast to, but is controllable. Below I will give some examples.
Pick_Up_Tree -0.00002 = Pick_Up_Tree 0.00002 This will change picking up a tree to being good instead of evil.
Pick_Up_Tree -0.00002 = Pick_Up_Tree 0.00008 This will make picking up the tree more evil.
Note: The evil/good signs will change according to how you edit this file. This is for alignment.
Tribute costs: Here we dive into my financial side. Head back to the balance files as usual and click on "GameBalanceArtifact". This will work with the first numbers after the name too. Go through and change all of the first numbers to 0. This will make everything free. At the very bottom that says TOTAL_COST=6388000. Do not mess with this. You are now all set to go with your money.
Your Creature's Age: Go to the balance files. Click on "creature_physio". The 5th bit of data down is what we want. It is callled SecondsPerYear. This controls how fast the creature ages. Change this to 60. It will make your creature age a year for every real minute. Change this to whatever you want.
I do not suggest messing with any other files. If you want to edit the game further, you must download the balance file.
Credits: Putting punishment spikes around the wonder was Kay's idea. All credit for this goes to him. The rest of this guide was thanks to my curiosity. You may use and post this guide as you wish as long as the proper credit is given.