Japanese walls problems


New member
Jun 6, 2007

I'm having problems with this mod I have the old greek texture for the walls but the gate house is ok can anyone help me out?
Hi, it could be that the mod didn't install properly. Did you double click on the install.bat file to install it?

If you did and it didn't install then you might have to install manually. This link describes how to do it for the Aztec walls but the procedure is the same for the Japanese walls.


Ok thanks :) i'll try it but the .bat file doesn't work it says it has finished and installed it but it doesn't add a single file its in the right place but no files are added.

Oh their isn't any crenellations in the japanese wall mod
Allali said:
Ok thanks :) i'll try it but the .bat file doesn't work it says it has finished and installed it but it doesn't add a single file its in the right place but no files are added.

Same problem as the person in the other thread. Which version of windows are you using? ???

Oh their isn't any crenellations in the japanese wall mod

Just ignore that part then.
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2

but the advice from the Aztec mode didn;t help its still the same :(
Sorry for the delay, but think I finally figured it out. ???

Open the three .bat files in Notepad and at the begining of each find and delete the following lines.
IF EXIST "E:\Black & White 2\white.exe" GOTO :not_default

set dir="E:\Black & White 2\"
goto :yes

It should install properly now. Run the restore.bat file first.
Thanks for working this out i'll try it and tell you if it works

no it works for installing but i think there may be texture files missing because i still got old greek textures :(

Thanks again :)
Have you tryed it on your computer? if it works for you it must be my computer :(