BW2 modding questions...

Yes, that sets where people and your creature can move. You don't want them walking into the sea or up the mountains.

oh btw i try to open the nav documentation thing and it says it can't because there are dialogue windows (or something  :p) open and to close them all does that mean to close everything before i open it?

nm just chose to open it with something else

but still, how come it won't let me build? do i have to script it in (i can buy stuff in the tribute menu (thanks to 0 tribute mod  :laugh:)  and select it from the menu or town center or drag from an existing building, but it always appears red...
You need to st the Nav Ribbon..

If you go to the Tools\Landscape Editor\Nav Documentation folder there will be Word document called "LandcapeSpecification.doc" that will tell you how to set the Nav Ribbon.
ok time for a barrage of questions -_- scripting is so confuzzeling

i read the tutorials and i'm still confused... you put in this like it tells you (btw i already did this tutorial but all it says how to do is this and a couple of other things i don't understand)

run script WikiTutorialScript

begin script WikiTutorialScript
disable load screen
set fade in time 1
wait until 1 != 1
end script WikiTutorialScript

but then where do you put in the other scripts that you need? (things like enemy AI and stuff (stuff like that DOES go in this script, right?))

then when making challenges, do you make a new script text thing?

sorry i don't mean to be so bothersome with all these questions
There a couple of ways to do that.

First you can define then at the top of the page, run them in the script you posted and then list then in that page.

The second way is to have a seperate page for the script, list it to compile in the challenges.txt file and then you only need to run it in the script you posted.

Most of the maps in the download section do have the scripts included so you can look at some of them to see how the script is  put together.
=D oh yeah i didn't think of that thanks

btw are there like different levels for enemy AI? i don't mean like good, neutral, evil, or will attack, will defend, will do nothing; i mean like a little aggressive, moderately aggressive, greatly aggressive, ect. 

sorry if this is a stupid question...
Hmmm, not really, except by giving them more experiance maybe. ???
darn ah well ok thanks anyways[br][br]Added: Dec 11, 2006, 05:35 PMhey is there anywhere that tells you all the scripts (like, the script for creature select for example) or are those text documents in the script compiler the scripts?

sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense  :p didn't really know how to word it
The scripts you need tp create yourself. That's why they're included with the maps so that other people can use then in their own maps. Spme of the scripts are generic and can be used as is while some of the other scripts will need to have the coordinates changed.

You'll also find a number of scripts and ideas on this thread on the BWGame boards.
kk thanks yet again :D[br][br]Added: Dec 13, 2006, 07:56 PMok um where do you put the creature select and in which script?  it goes in the challenges.txt right? i put a creature select script in it and tested my map, but the creature select didn't come up...

also, where do you put the script to make it so that you have everything in the toolbar? [br][br]Added: Dec 13, 2006, 09:11 PMoh yeah forgot to ask this

is there a script to make it so that you have influence over the whole land (like when you beat a normal game level)
if so, where would that go?
Zebramage said:
ok um where do you put the creature select and in which script?  it goes in the challenges.txt right? i put a creature select script in it and tested my map, but the creature select didn't come up...

also, where do you put the script to make it so that you have everything in the toolbar?

If it's a seperate text file then you need to add that to the challeges.txt file and include a "run" statement in your main script.

Zebramage said:
is there a script to make it so that you have influence over the whole land (like when you beat a normal game level)
if so, where would that go?

In your main scrip, at the end of the run statements and before "disable load screen" add "enable global influence" still doesn't work... i don't know what i'm doing wrong...

the global influence thing didn't work... did i put it in the right place?

run script 1635

begin script 1635
enable global influence
disable load screen
set fade in time 1
wait until 1 != 1
end script 1635

O_O oh i think i might have just thought of what's wrong with the creature select =D i'll probably be back in a minute though asking what's wrong XD
-_- well...that didn't work lol

and i'm starting to get ticked as well.  i went to the landscape editor to change the location of the village center and the V.C. moves alright but the people don't, and they become neutral villagers -_-

apparently i'm not made to be a BW2 editor XD ah well...
That's strange because it looks like it should work. ???

If you're using one of my creature select scripts, then enable global  infulence is written into the begining and disabled at the end of it. just comment out where it's disabled

To run it

run script 1635

begin script 1635
   run script CreatureSelect
   set fade in time 1
   wait until 1 != 1
end script 1635

If you're using 00din's creature select script then it'll be different.

Zebramage said:
and i'm starting to get ticked as well.  i went to the landscape editor to change the location of the village center and the V.C. moves alright but the people don't, and they become neutral villagers -_-
i'm not made to be a BW2 editor XD ah well...
Yep, that's a mistake.. Bin there dun that. :p

If you move a town centre you need to set the population at 0, save the map and then set the population back to where it was before. The editor places the people in relation to where the town centre is and if you move the town centre too far from them, then they don't recognise it as theirs. doesn't work...i even copy and pasted what you said and it still doesn't work (i have the creature select.txt in the same place as the main script)

i don't understand what i'm doing wrong O_o or else my computer hates me XD
I take it that the compiler does work and without errors. ???

Why don't you zip what you've got, attach it to a post and I'll take a look at it.