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  1. Gremxula

    Editing Death Spell

    To be honest in general people who like modding games, I am one, do it  not for just themselves but for a wider audience. As a game ages we tend to move on to new games, I never got into modding B&W2/BOTG  simply because I was doing mods on other games. Why am I still here..... I don't know...
  2. Gremxula

    Glitch with QuickTime & B&W2

    What's your Skyrim  name?
  3. Gremxula

    bw2 modding tools error (windows 7 64 bits)

    All of The B&W series was made to run on 32 bit PC's Anything that works on 64 bit is a bonus not a natural part of the game design. So if  you need stuff to work you need to find a work around. I also have an old PC for playing old 16/32 bit games when the wife/kids are not using it as the...
  4. Gremxula

    Help making tatoos

    Talking about deformed tat's I seem to remember if you tattoo the creatures back the tat will be upside down :laugh2
  5. Gremxula

    B&W multiplayer server

    Good Luck with your "server" but unless it is  up 24/7 you can't really call it a server. A better approach may be ....... Hay anybody fancy some MP action. I propose a 1hour game with most influence wins. No rushing allowed. I considerer myself to be a....(Novice/good/expert etc .)...Player...
  6. Gremxula

    Help making tatoos

    Keep your design simple.  Bold lines work best and take time to think it out on paper first. One of the funniest Tat's I can remember was just a simple text message using diferent sized fonts to make it fit  64x64....................... [b] I  Eat POO
  7. Gremxula

    Help making tatoos

    You should be working  with 64x64  bmp in the first place. Converting  will often give undesired results. As GallopRider said editan existeig TAT and save as. MS Paint works well and is  installed on most  windows versions. Mono Tats take about 5m to do. Colour can take  hours as you need to...
  8. Gremxula

    Magic Turtles and Evil Llamas..

    This caught my eye... If you look around most meats are eaten somewhere. Will Soylent Green will be next.
  9. Gremxula

    Magic Turtles and Evil Llamas..

    Would that "farm" be in Eastern Europe  if so then we all may just get a taste of what he was like in the form of a manufactured meat product. :D
  10. Gremxula


    Happy t help... :D
  11. Gremxula


    LOL ........I even posted in that thread what did I say my name was ???
  12. Gremxula

    Creature data

    My understanding of the game  mechanics  are that the  the bigger and fatter your creature is  the better  his damage resistance and casting stamina. Carrying the rock will increase his strength but at the cost of  some fatness and stamina. Now for SP games  the best strategy is to start a new...
  13. Gremxula

    How to make your creature heal himself?

    You shouldn't need to. :D
  14. Gremxula

    Weird symbols

    What you forgot to do was  delete all the  leftovers from the previous install. Then you installed to the same path and picked up all the  old crap. For a true clean install ............... First uninstall the game Clean out all folders and files that remain Clean the registry Reboot
  15. Gremxula


    Sorry if I piss on your parade but........... BW has not been supported now for several years. ATI drivers for  your graphics card  are in "Legacy" and will not be updated I recently retired  my  HD46xx card after several years good service.  The good news is  if you run setup in your B&W...
  16. Gremxula

    How to make your creature heal himself?

    Lots of questions  but  it really boils down to your training  method. If he knows "HEAL"  then reward him whenever he heals himself. Leash of Learning should also be used if you heal him. Remember to reward him  if he heals himself. Just one thing to  remember ..ooooh ....I forgot exactly but...
  17. Gremxula

    Creature data

    Vir as you seem like you want to experiment.......... This could yield some interesting  results have your current creature carry a rock of somewhere near maximum weight and send him on a journey. Then have him  return to his pen still carrying the same rock and observe the results. Fatness can...
  18. Gremxula

    Can a creature reach full height by...

    It is possible to grow to full hight naturally but very difficult to achieve. All that the creature needs to do is sleep all night every night in his pen. Sounds easy but is nearly impossible to achieve and play the game at the same time.
  19. Gremxula

    Whats up with this script?

    So am I bored 99% of your script is OK. But you can't seem to get that last 1% Nobody can fully debug your script for you without being able to load it up in game. You seem to have changed lands twice and not given anybody a chance to try either out. So I quit.
  20. Gremxula

    Whats up with this script?

    You still have CREATE_CITADEL above CREATE_TOWN !!!!!!!!!! Just do me a favour and move both CREATE_CITADEL lines to the bottom of the file and try it.