Search results

  1. Gremxula

    Black and white online matches

    Just out of interest how do you play your MP games. I personally like "creature rushing" better than "influence building"  it seems to work better for a short  time MP  game.
  2. Gremxula

    Wonder issues

    FROM MEMORY...You can do several things with scaffolds that may not be widely known today. Scaffolds can be combined and then split again in a different Race workshop to get more of the desired type. You can also place scaffolds on a Workshop wood pile to convert them back to wood, and the...
  3. Gremxula

    Playing .sad files

    99.99 % of B&W files have vanished over the years. .SAD is not supported these days. You could try an old version of Winamp see if it works ....from memory upto v2.9 and above  v4 + worked in game. maybe a useful link..
  4. Gremxula

    Favorite Creature

    Go for the mandrill. I never really tried it, the Tiger just worked for me and  my playing style, both SP and MP. A full sized Tiger well trained  with 3-4 miracles will/can take out any enemy MP or Skirmish.................. Enough spoilers.
  5. Gremxula

    Favorite Creature

    I hate necro posting this forum needs the traffic. Tiger all the way slow to learn but also  slow to forget and powerful.
  6. Gremxula

    Black&White merchadise ?

    Probably YES.. One of the main features of B&W was your creature was unique to you. Would you really want to buy generic cardboard crap items/cards/toys that did not include your personal  creature stats and  scars or custom skins and tats. Print your own poster of your creature for  50c  or...
  7. Gremxula

    King Kong

    Well you really don't need to add a new creature.  All you need to do is create a max size creature possibly using  a custom skin. The rest is down to the landscape and village scripting. :D
  8. Gremxula

    B&W won't launch

    B&W1  is proven to work on all Windows OS from W95 to W8. I don't care how clever you  think you are, just pretend you are as dumb as a brick. Follow the advice you have been given and  then complain that the game won't work! Sorry if I seem annoyed but over the 12y I have been doing this...
  9. Gremxula

    B&W won't launch

    You can install B&W to any location you like but that install is specific to that PC, a flash drive may hold the files and allow you to play the game but it is the System Registry entries  that are needed to make the game work, these are on /in the same place as your OS install not your game...
  10. Gremxula

    B&W won't launch

    SPEND NO MONEY Your XP is fine as a OS if you only run 32bit software which is most even today. Keep the CD dirve it is fine. The problem is probably with the "Starforce 2  copy protection" back in the old days lots of games were affected and hundreds of 1,000's players games would not...
  11. Gremxula

    B&W won't launch

    Read your PM. But I know that your game  will run  on almost any PC I could imagine even your 64bit  machine running on a 32bit OS.  :D
  12. Gremxula

    B&W won't launch

    Everything should work fine on that PC as it is. You didn't say what steps you had taken to get it running so the first step is to follow the Windows 7 guide the same steps are for other windows versions too. If the game still won't run then there are a couple of more things to try. Just an...
  13. Gremxula

    Of Gods and Mortals - V5 (RC 2.01)

    .rar is just the same as .zip but better compression. This old file will need to be un-rar...ed in much the same way as  un-zip.  Adding an auto un-zip/rar version may have not been possible for several reasons at the time*. For now just go to a trusted site like  Snapfiles and pick one of the...
  14. Gremxula

    bw2 modding tools error (windows 7 64 bits)

    Just hope your efforts are not wasted MigX has only posted once in the last 6 months  , I suspect he may have moved on by now.
  15. Gremxula

    Cooperative game in MP

    The way the game is made it is 1 team 1 creature and Temple. But from memory  you could play as you want in effect, start a 4 player( or any game with more slots than players)  game with just 2 players. The missing players will be computer controlled. All that  would be missing is the automatic...
  16. Gremxula

    Football Addon

    Here is somthing a bit weird... from my notes I made back in the day ( I used to Moderate and  advise on Planet B&W) .............. Football addon may not install correctly on XP and newer OS. The required code can be added to existing maps including skirmish and main game to get a fully...
  17. Gremxula

    Football Addon

    Football worked..... for me in some situations  mostly mostly on my reto PC in the last few years.
  18. Gremxula

    Glitch with QuickTime & B&W2

    I know you have struggled for years .... perhaps £/$ 25 could get you a PC that could end your problems.
  19. Gremxula

    Football Addon

    More lurkers than posters these days. Yes I maintain an old PC that can run old games 16-32 bit but to be honest most of them fall down these days.
  20. Gremxula

    Glitch with QuickTime & B&W2

    USB Hard drive is just a cheap and simple data stick on the PC  they act just like an extra disk drive. You plug it in to a USB port and it pops up as a new drive. This has now almost  totally replaced the use of CD or DVD disks for mobile data  and files as the "drive" is reusable  for years...