- Multipickup: Actor pickup Softlock fixed
- Multipickup: Pickup bonfires fixed
- Stormy Island: Fixed wrong Chapter Message
- Land 14 Softlock fixed (for Fullstory and Genesis Story)
- Land 16 Mapfix: Fixed town spells with wrong ID's
- Land 17 Mapfix: Fixed a wrong used town spell
- Land 20...
- Bugfix for Missionary Leave-Quest on StormyIsland (FullStory Mode)
- Bugfix: Land18 Intro-Script never ending and no scrolls appears
- LandT into the Storymodes added
- Patreon: Credits-Updates
- Added Storm Miracle Maximum (very huge and black Tornado) as a new Miracle
0.941b - Infinite Gold Fix on the Land 2 Singing Stone Challenge
- Land 1 to Land 5: Fix for stopped abilities after Land change
- Patreon: Villagernames Update
- Patreon: Credits-Updates
A new Update with much Bugfixes is online now. Please don't forget to read the readme and use the F2 Help Menu in the game for informations and help, before you ask me.
After I forget, to share the other Updates (0.92b and 0.93b), I will share this update now and also show the Updatelog of the...
- Bugfix for 2 challenges on Land 7
- added missing files, for some of the new miracles
- Bugfix for Milestone 'First Gold'
- bugfix for new games on new profiles
- extra savestate for new games, after choosing a creature on new games
Mirror 1: Link
Mirror 2: Link
This is the first Release of the Black&White CreatureIsle Definitive Edition, the Successor of the Genesismod.
There are much more Features, as the Genesismod was possible to use, like new Buildings, Miracles, Creatures, other objects and Musicfiles, without replacing existing ones.
Also the...
They was in the MAC Scriptfiles, but for some reasons, they had a wrong filename. Instead of "ControlNemesisBattleStrategy.txt" they was "ControlNemesisBattleStrate_.txt".
Nice tool, I have to say! But do you want to add compatibility for the CreatureIsle challenge.chl files too?
Because for CI Challenge.chl files, it doesn't works :(
I hope, it's ok, that I share the Link of my Genesismod Discord Channel.
Perhaps I am more active there as here on the board, so that I can support better someone who needs my help.
Black&White (and CI) have problems with loading. To load something, the game needs 2 minutes instead of some seconds. At the beginning of the Loading Screen, the game freezes for nearly the most of the time. The Loading Progress itself is normal.
I am Using Windows 8.1 and don't change the...
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
20 new Temple Styles - This pack contains 20 new temple styles. Read the Readme for more informations and how to use them.
Read more about this resource...
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
B&W CI Player Settings v1.9 (includes Player AI Symbbols) - An updated Version of my BW CI Playersettings Tool. Read the Readme for more informations.
Read more about this resource...