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Black and White Creature Isle Definitive Edition 0.9b 0.946b

This is the first Release of the Black&White CreatureIsle Definitive Edition, the Successor of the Genesismod.

There are much more Features, as the Genesismod was possible to use, like new Buildings, Miracles, Creatures, other objects and Musicfiles, without replacing existing ones.

Also the Ingame Mapeditor is included and the possibility, to choose ingame between different stories.
Also I replaced the Chatmenu with a complete new Menu with new features.

Also here some videos, where you can take a first look for some of the Features, if you like:
a. New Fields in DE:
b. Definitive Edition Trailer:
c. New Miracles:
d. Streamvideo, which shows some of the new Features of the Mod:

I also made a own Patreon-Page for the Definitive Edition:
First release
Last update
2.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Update 0.946b

    - Multipickup: Actor pickup Softlock fixed - Multipickup: Pickup bonfires fixed - Stormy Island...
  2. Update 0.942b

    - Bugfix for Missionary Leave-Quest on StormyIsland (FullStory Mode) - Bugfix: Land18...
  3. Update 0.941b

    0.941b - Infinite Gold Fix on the Land 2 Singing Stone Challenge - Land 1 to...

Latest reviews

DSETUP.dll, IFC22.dll, LHLogR.dll and LHMultipayerR.dll was not found when i installed this. Please help
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I had installed it to try out but when I opened it said that a few DLL were missing
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