Welcome back, thanks for checking out this site again, even if its every 3 months. :)
I do want to exercise some caution when installing open source files, since it contains a lot of unfinished scripts, your game "might" crash. This is specifically aimed at scaffolding and the god AI, since I...
Yeah, I took some time to look at all the original scripts, I'm impressed you managed to finally decode those buggers, there is a ridiculous amount of cool stuff Lionhead kept from us that could've made map making so much easier.
I probably wouldn't try take any leftover things to use in those...
Yeah, without Kayssplace, there wasn't really any official page that I could use to fully realize the mod to use as my own. I'm also surprised how kind and patient people have been during all the downtime and development time I spent, in fact, I've had a fair increase of followers recently...
Hey ladies and gents, once again I'm here to make a quick post to say I'm still alive and doing well, as usual, I've not had any time at all to develop OGaM, but anyone that still reads the site, I want to let you know over on moddb, I'll be uploading the Open Source data of "Of Gods and...
Hey guys, thanks for the kind comments :)
Sorry again for disappearing, seems like my thing. Here's hoping I can clean up the scripts to become usable outside of the OGaM testing environment. I know I've released older versions of the God AI, but people did report problems with using it.
That's awesome, I was keeping an eye on your modding site when you first brought it up about documentation. They should come in handy for anyone interested in scripting, especially the epic miracles, I just could never get the camera work right.
Unforuntately, I havent touched BW2 for so long...
Hello. Been a couple of years lol, sorry about that. I've just realized Kayssplace downfall and this site being it's replacement so that's unfortunate.
I just wanted to bring to attention everyone regarding OGaM's status after so long so bear with me through this post.
First of all, I want to...
I'm afraid not, OGaM is constrained to the offline mode/single player that Black and White 2 was developed for. I would advise caution when using those releases too because they are terribly out of date and won't live up to the full experience that's expected.
Be patient and wait for the...
thanks to him too for mentioning it!
No, I don't have any facebook page or website for the game right now, but it's a plan in the future when I'm happy with how each system runs.
Thanks for hanging in there, shouldn't be much longer. :)
Hello everyone, I'm so sorry that it looked like I randomly vanished. Something very serious came up in my life that put me out of contact across all media that I can access. I probably won't go into detail on that, the bright side it that it has all passed.
I hope everyone else is doing okay...
Hello again. It's now Feb in 2015, just a little late of the release date of the alpha.
Just popping in here to let everyone know, I'll be looking to get things fixed up and ready to go in a few more days. Thanks for following, and I look forward to everyone's feedback on the God AI...
Hello everyone.
We are in the new year, and with it comes new opportunities. Looking forward, I hope to get as much content into OGaM as possible but unfortunately, it's slow due to only myself working on it. Sometime after the alpha release (noted later on) I will be looking to increase the...
Happy holidays to everyone wherever you are in the world. Another year has gone by.
Quick update ahead of the usual schedule. I'll be away from my PC for a weekend in another state attending a friend's wedding in early January, so this might delay the alpha release. As I stated on the moddb...
Thanks for the support, these kind of positive comments help me to continue progress knowing it will be played eventually. But it also means a larger fan base requires more detailed work and polish and I say thanks for that. :)