Turtle Creature Strengths/Stats?


New member
Feb 7, 2016
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and can't find the answer to my nagging question: What are the strengths/stats of the creatures in BW2? There're a lot written about creatures in BW1 but barely anything about this game.

In particular, I am more interested in battle prowess of the creatures.

Where does the turtle rank in damage, defense and speed compared to the rest?

Also, due to the new learning system guaranteeing they learn something, it seems intelligence isn't as important in this game as BW1? Or does it?

Many thanks in advance guys, I'm not sure if this forum is active anymore but you guys are the last people on the entire internet who seems to still care about this wonderful series.  :yourock:
The reason you don't find as much information about creatures in BW2 is because they're not as important as they were in BW1. I can finish BW2 without a creature easily, but I'd never be able to finish BW1 without my creature. Creatures in BW2 aren't at all as complex as creatures in BW1.

I was very curious which creature would be the best fighter. I spent the last 2 days putting the creatures into a one on one fight club.

All creatures were set to a size of 1, a strength of 1, alignment to 0, and their fatness to 0.3. The land where the fights took place was completely flat, there were no rocks, buildings or trees in the area.

The fights were split into sets. Each set contains 10 fights between the same two creatures. The winner, time, and the final health of the winning creature were recorded. The creature with the most wins gets the set, in the case of a tie the creature which did the most damage wins the set. There were a total of 15 sets. Totaling of 150 fights.

The final scores were calculated by adding up the wins, loses, and ties
A win is worth 2 points
A Tie is worth 1 point
A Loss is worth 0 points
Then the damage taken is subtracted from the damage given. That value is then added to their win, tie, loss score
The Cow won 1 set lost the other 4, dealt 32.705 damage, and took 42.595 damage. The cow's final score is calculated to be
Score = 2 + (32.705-42.595) = -7.89

Here are the final results:
1. Gorilla with a score of 20.97; 4 wins, 1 loss
2. Ape with a score of 11.04; 4 wins, 1 loss
3. Lion with a score of 9.581; 4 wins, 1 loss
4. Tiger with a score of 1.761; 1 win, 4 loss
5. Wolf with a score of -6.199; 1 win 4 loss
6. Cow with a score of -7.89; 1 win, 4 loss

My conclusion from this data is that the Gorilla is the best creature for one on one creature fights.

I'm not sure about the turtle, are you asking about the BW2 battle of the gods turtle – or the turtle for BW2 which you can download from this site?. Because the turtle you can download from this site acts like the ape, so in this case I'd guess the turtle would be pretty close to ape in fighting skill.

I may continue to do more tests later on, which if I do I will let you know what the results were.

In case you were wondering here are the complete results for each set of creature fights:
Set 1: Lion Vs Ape
Lion: Won 5, Damage Given: 7.999
Ape: Won 5, Damage Given: 7.86
Average Time per Fight: 107.3 Seconds
Winner: Lion
Set 2: Lion Vs Tiger
Lion: Won 6, Damage Given: 7.833
Tiger: Won 4, Damage Given: 7.069
Average Time per Fight: 100.1 Seconds
Winner: Lion
Set 3: Lion Vs Gorilla
Lion: Won 2, Damage Given: 5.262
Gorilla: Won 8, Damage Given: 9.792
Average Time per Fight: 92 Seconds
Winner: Gorilla
Set 4: Lion Vs Wolf
Lion: Won 7, Damage Given: 8.788
Wolf: Won 3, Damage Given: 6.762
Average Time per Fight: 88.7 Seconds
Winner: Lion
Set 5: Lion Vs Cow
Lion: Won 8, Damage Given: 9.207
Cow: Won 2, Damage Given: 6.025
Average Time per Fight: 80.5 Seconds
Winner: Lion
Set 6: Ape Vs Tiger
Ape: Won 5, Damage Given: 7.758
Tiger: Won 5, Damage Given: 7.386
Average Time per Fight: 101.1 Seconds
Winner: Ape
Set 7: Ape Vs Gorilla
Ape: Won 5, Damage Given: 7.818
Gorilla: Won 5, Damage Given: 7.469
Average Time per Fight: 98.1 Seconds
Winner: Ape
Set 8: Ape Vs Wolf
Ape: Won 6, Damage Given: 8.533
Wolf: Won 4, Damage Given: 7.392
Average Time per Fight: 94.4 Seconds
Winner: Ape
Set 9: Ape Vs Cow
Ape: Won 6, Damage Given: 8.346
Cow: Won 4, Damage Given: 7.029
Average Time per Fight: 84.4 Seconds
Winner: Ape
Set 10: Tiger Vs Gorilla
Tiger: Won 3, Damage Given: 7.329
Gorilla: Won 7, Damage Given: 8.965
Average Time per Fight: 114.6 Seconds
Winner: Gorilla
Set 11: Tiger Vs Wolf
Tiger: Won 8, Damage Given: 9.439
Wolf: Won 2, Damage Given: 6.604
Average Time per Fight: 97.5 Seconds
Winner: Tiger
Set 12: Tiger Vs Cow
Tiger: Won 5, Damage Given: 7.722
Cow: Won 5, Damage Given: 8.024
Average Time per Fight: 85.2 Seconds
Winner: Cow
Set 13: Gorilla Vs Wolf
Gorilla: Won 9, Damage Given: 9.568
Wolf: Won 1, Damage Given: 5.8
Average Time per Fight: 91.2 Seconds
Winner: Gorilla
Set 14: Gorilla Vs Cow
Gorilla: Won 8, Damage Given: 9.036
Cow: Won 2, Damage Given: 5.651
Average Time per Fight: 76.9 Seconds
Winner: Gorilla
Set 15: Wolf Vs Cow
Wolf: Won 7, Damage Given: 8.284
Cow: Won 3, Damage Given: 5.976
Average Time per Fight: 68.2 Seconds
Winner: Wolf

Won:  4
Lost: 1
Tied: 0
Total Damage Dealt: 40.315
Total Damage Taken: 37.275

Won:  4
Lost: 1
Tied: 0
Total Damage Dealt: 39.089
Total Damage Taken: 37.508

Won:  1
Lost: 4
Tied: 0
Total Damage Dealt: 32.705
Total Damage Taken: 42.595

Won:  4
Lost: 1
Tied: 0
Total Damage Dealt: 44.83
Total Damage Taken: 31.86

Won:  1
Lost: 4
Tied: 0
Total Damage Dealt: 38.945
Total Damage Taken: 39.184

Won:  1
Lost: 4
Tied: 0
Total Damage Dealt: 34.105
Total Damage Taken: 42.304
Wow Willy those are amazing stats! And all this while everyone is saying the tiger is the best fighter in BW2.

How did you manage to get the Gorilla? I thought there were only 6 creatures to choose from.. Or did you mean the Gorilla skin for the ape? (But then again i saw that you had Ape vs Gorilla fights..how??)

And how  do you manage to pit two equally matched creatures against each other? Is there a particular sandbox map i'm unaware of or is this some kinda scripting stuff?

Oh and the  turtle i'm referring to is the BOTG turtle.. If you have the expansion, i'd love to see some of his stats. I find that i use my creature a lot to takedown the enemy creature, but i also love the way the turtle looks, so i want to know how good of a choice he is against the rest.

I really appreciate the effort you put in to your response and that comprehesive methodology is really impressive.  :yes
The Gorilla and Ape are two completely separate creatures. The Aztec creature on the final land is the Gorilla not an ape. They look similar and act the same but from the data I gathered it seems the Gorilla is a better fighter.

To do this testing I downloaded the modeling tools from this site. Created a flat open land and used Lionhead's scripting language to create the creatures.

Sadly I cannot test the BOTG turtle, due to the fact he only exists in BOTG. To test him I'd have to figure out how to script lands in BOTG, and Lionhead never released the scripting stuff for that game. 
Oh I see, thanks for clarifying. So in a sense, the Aztecs have an unfair advantage over us by having the strongest creature on their side. Come to think of it, i've had games where my max fitness and muscle Ape consistently lose to their "non-buff" Gorilla, though i didnt use such a detailed method like yours. It would be fun to be able to play as the gorilla or zombie gorilla, a shame they didnt release them as playable creatures.

Well, thanks for all your help Willy. Based on what i've seen of my turtle, his fighting skills dont seem very impressive (only winning when he maxes out muscle and fitness)  and he keeps being "nice" no matter how i force him to be evil. I have a feeling he may rank somewhere close to the Cow :(