The Expansion''The Battle Of Gods''


New member
Jul 12, 2005
what do you guys think so far about the expansion coming up :woot

i like that the turtle is coming back :laugh2 and new miracles. maybe they got the online play worked out in the expansion
Well I like the Turtle coming in.  I always thought he'd make a good addition to B&W2.  But after the slightly underwhelming experience I had with the main game (probably due in part to my inability to ignore the hype), I'm adopting a  more wait-and-see approach.

That would apply to the new miracles too.  Until I see them, I can't really judge them.  To be fair, we just don't know that much yet.

On a slightly different topic, the fact we don't know much yet has me thinking that the release date for the end of this month is a bit more than optomistic at this stage :no .
i dont like the way the new gods a stalker, every picture and clip ive seen involves him being near your hand pretty much all the time. its a lot more fast paced as he tries to shock your troops (how's he do it outside influence??? i smell a rule breaker again,kinda like in bnw1) while you try to shock his.
I'm thinking it pretty weird everyone is coming back from the dead!  :shocked There is no way My lion and I will surive this!  :shocked
well if you played the game out 3 times or more well believe me then you can handel the undead folks :cool:

The first BOTG playable land is/can be so easy, given the right tactics a single platoon of 10 men could win it. You can loose hundreds of troops if you pick the wrong stratagy.
He shall meet the mighty wrath of the meteor miracle and my slightly better aim. Mwhahaha. :p
i've got one stupid bug in BOTG if i save he just forget that i saved so nect time i play the game i must start al over again Bump
You still havn't beaten B&W 2? What's the point of getting the expansion and not playing it until you beat the original. Besides, if it takes you a long while, the price might drop a bit.
i've just beaten teh game once then after that i didn't play B&W2 anymore now most of my computer time :p i plat B&W 1 again and B&W 2 :happytears:
Geez, it's that easy? If it is i'm starting to have second thoughts about getting it. Weeeeeeellllllll. Maybe I will, just for the turtle and new miracles. Even though I never had the turtle in B&W1.
Buy it.....its  taken 3 days  of my life so far and is much harder than B&W2.
Gremxula said:
Buy it.....its  taken 3 days  of my life so far and is much harder than B&W2.

Lol, Grem.. is that a postive endorsment..  :D
Yeah sort of the expansion is a lot less forgiveing of mistakes than B&W2 but fun in a frustrateing sort of way.
I got through B&W2 without even buying an armory in my latest "2" profile. So the last2 lands in BOTG were something else.
I just played it yesterday, and, I'm embarrased to say, It's hard. I can't keep up with the attacks. He attacks too often. And My current town has like no ore supply unless I keep the gates open.

Plus my creature is going on evil when I want him to be good. Any suggestions on fixing him?