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I need help how do u make a script for it?I'm srry for this question i never made my own map.
There are numerous discussions in the Modding and Scripting fora. The easiest way is to get a script from another map, and BWSurveyor (all of which is in the Downloads section). Then just open the landscape in BWSurveyor and use the "copy coords" function to get coords for the various objects in the script, replacing the variables already there; I would use Express Map Editor, and if you highlight the function and press F1 you can see what every variable is in Express. You can take out anything you don't want to bother with, and tweak as you see fit; Then as you become more confident you can add things like rocks and forests and start learning the ropes more; Aside from learning to use some of the tools (Wood Creator being particularly useful for nice-looking woods, and a basic grasp of Python or C++ making it simple to make your own similar programs), everything that you need for scripting you can get from Surveyor and Express, and the best way to learn is by experience, which beats written guides (which can be useful nonetheless) any day. That's how I got started; Just fooling about in Surveyor and Express.

If you want to make your own landscapes, note that Surveyor is no good; Coastlines are almost impossible to get right (in fact I'm not sure that anybody has gotten it exactly right), and they also tend to look pixelated and unrealistic, with a jagged edge, in the final product (though this particular landscape is useful for adding valleys and mountains to :;): ), but with lndromat there are many methods I and others have found that can make excellent lands with flawless or nearly-flawless coastlines. But I wouldn't suggest moving onto landscapes until you have mapping down; Otherwise you'll just turn out a bunch of blank landscapes (like this one, lol :laugh2 ).

Good luck, and happy mapping. Hope to see some content from you soon.  :)
thanks for the help i might need help useing the tools that u recommened which im going to get now
when i do get mapping down i hope it will be good enough for Kays lol thanks a lot.
uhhh i tryed installing that and it says not enough disk space srry but i need help
>.< It means that your hard drive is full. Youcan do a disk cleanup from the control panel (at least in XP, I haven't really gotten in much depth in Vista and W7), or defrag, which takes a while but is worth it; Or you can go to Add/Remove programs and take off things you don't use; Or you can delete files you don't use. Or you can get a new hard drive, an external one; They are quite large these days, and if you don't save every image and download any file you come across, the average one (about 300GB last time I checked) should last the average person pretty much forever.

I feel your pain, though. This used to happen to me all the time, because I used to have a paltry 9 GB. :laugh2 How big is the hard drive you have?
12 gb i think but thats vista hp recovery idk what that is i have 1.39 gb left on that
im started to delete some useless stuff.but i dont know about the scriptED i thought that u can tweak on main maps like land 1 and add stuff on that script and mabe add gods to it to make it a skirmish.Do u have to get th script editor/creater?But i will try to get the thing u said hopefully it works.
i wanted to ask u a ? r u ever going to make ur own great fun awesome lol script for this or is it something u dont care about?
Jack, I honestly just made this because it seemed like a useful thing that had yet to exist; The closest thing was the kind-of-shoddy landscape that came with the Castle Project. So I'm probably not going to do much with this myself, no. The idea is that it is an easy base both for experimenting with different things in map scripts and for flexing your BWSurveyor/SculptEd muscles and making landscape features. But since I am now good at making landscapes using lndromat, I don't really need something like this, and in fact it would take longer for me because I have become more skilled in a different method.

Also, whereas that is a small hard drive, especially by today's standards, I think that 1.4 GB should be much, much more than enough. ??? In fact, all of the mapping and landscape tools I use in their respective folders are taking up a total of less than a GB, and if I recall correctly the game itself is only about .65 GB. So I'm actually not sure what the problem is. Was this before or after removing something else?

Anyway, it is a good practice at any rate to always keep your hard drive tidy, because a tidy hard drive makes things easier to access and speeds things up if you use a lot of virtual memory. I don't know about Vista, but in XP 200MB is the recommended minimum for virtual memory and if you have less than that you get warning messages. Funny to think that not long ago it was thought that only encyclopaedia databases would ever need more than one megabyte of hard memory, and now we're up to four gigs of RAM in most new computers.  :D
thx it was before i havent tryied it yet but i will comment when i do,For Minas thx what will the scrip be called?
damn it didnt work!!! after defraging and that it say sdk cant find enough disk space.It also says somin bout a 64-bit etc.
Also i just got this computer and it had 750GB and hella ram.i still have 675GB left.Its Vista too.
but i just got this mapper by this dude/her idk,but i might be able to do it manualy.What do u think?
oh and i never beat black and white 1,i beat the second one,i was jus wondering if u or minas can give me some tips and trick.U have just been so helpful srry to be a guy with more ?s than answers.aND U TO MINAS
Jack, you know, you can edit your post if you have more to say. There should be an icon of a pencil and paper on your older posts, and you can add details by clicking this icon or clicking "Edit" in the top-right corner of your post. It is considered better etiquette.

And you DEFINITELY have enough space. It sounds like the problem, though, is you have Vista 64-bit and it is a 32-bit channel binary installer or .exe (one or the other). I don't know what to do about that, but someone certainly might.

As for advice on the game... Well, it is best to mix good and evil strategies, though you'll ultimately end up more evil most of the time. I prefer not to think of my alignment in terms of good and evil, so much as charming and tedious efficient. Build your towns quickly, or if you really are evil, just have them build a bunch of wonders to expand your influence, and then bomb the opposition with destructive miracles or charged artifacts. Otherwise, build your town up slowly over time by building houses as well--It is a good idea to still make wonders when possible, but also pay attention to the villagers' desires. The easiest ways to take over a village are either the kinda-evil, very efficient and productive way, which is to use whatever miracles you can, of course, while trying not to kill anyone, but smashing all the houses and scaring the population with fully-charged artifacts that you throw, which generate belief obscenely quickly, especially when thrown, and the very very evil and super-easy but far less productive way, which is to kill everything (slightly less wasteful to use wolves to do this instead of miracles that will also destroy the buildings), and then put a male and female missionary into the town and make them breeders--The town is now yours and you are starting to repopulate.

In the last land, it is going to be easiest to make chains of unbuilt village centers--Without any people building them, they will still have a tiny incluence ring for several minutes, plenty of time to take over a village or, as you will find very useful, move some singing stones that are protecting a Tibetan village without killing anybody or getting your creature zapped.

Lastly, if you go for city-building, focus on one or two cities or villages and just make them REALLY BIG, it is more efficient than making them all huge. And if your people start dropping in belief, bring an artifact from another town and toss it around a bit without smashing anything or killing anyone, or do some heal increase + bird miracles.
thx u guys helped a lot.I downloaded something for manual scripting what do u think? :sorry for being a pain
srry for spelling,but im trying to do this in a nice and not rude fashion.Dont take this pesonal,but my main ? is do u have to install those tools for making YOUR OWN SCRIPTS NOT NEW lnd files?As well can u do it manualy(right click in playgrounds,new,text doc.,then add the stuff i need help with)or do you have to have those tools for that?Thx for the tips also.