strange discovery


Nov 10, 2007
there isnt a more appropriate forum to post on  :yes

ive noticed something strange abut the creature cave, has anyone noticed the gaping hole in its ceiling where you can see the sky, and yet it is in an enclosed building? i also found an interesting little bit of code in the dialogue.
ADD_TEXT( 1, HELP_TEXT_NARRATOR_DEFAULT, "HELP_TEXT_CREATURE_TUTORIAL_07", "Drop rocks near the Creature's home to help him build.")
ADD_TEXT( 1, HELP_TEXT_NARRATOR_DEFAULT, "HELP_TEXT_CREATURE_TUTORIAL_05", "Your Creature needs more rocks to build his home.")

which might suggest that the creature WAS going to build his home out of rocks before lh removed that feature. that also might be why the creature cave has a hole in it because thats what his rock home might have looked like.
weird huh?

Yeah, I noticed that too alright,  I just reasoned that the villagers would've dug a cave under the temple for the creature to live in, but that still wouldn't explain the holes in the cavern as then they'd have to be visible from outside the temple also.

I also believe you are right in that there was an intention for the creature to build his own own, but it was eventually abandoned.
Very strange indeed. Theres loads more strange stuff in the dialogue like
"ADD_TEXT( 1, HELP_TEXT_NARRATOR_DEFAULT, "HELP_TEXT_CREATURE_MESSED_UP_ACTION_05", "Your Creature failed to make a fire. He's only learning after all.")
ADD_TEXT( 1, HELP_TEXT_NARRATOR_DEFAULT, "HELP_TEXT_CREATURE_MESSED_UP_ACTION_06", "Your Creature failed to impress the Villagers, but he is still learning.")
ADD_TEXT( 1, HELP_TEXT_NARRATOR_DEFAULT, "HELP_TEXT_CREATURE_MESSED_UP_ACTION_07", "Your Creature failed to raise the Totem this time; he may not be strong enough yet, and he is still learning.")

Raising totems doesnt require strength, and since when did your ceature make fires?  :D
Maybe it's there to let some light into an otherwise dark cave.

If you go into a profile and then the HTML folder and click on one of the .html files you'll get an other view of the hole. Strange that we can't see it outside of the temple since I'v always assumed that the creature cave was under the temple.

"ADD_TEXT( 1, HELP_TEXT_NARRATOR_DEFAULT, "HELP_TEXT_CREATURE_MESSED_UP_ACTION_05", "Your Creature failed to make a fire. He's only learning after all.")

Fireball miracle maybe?

ADD_TEXT( 1, HELP_TEXT_NARRATOR_DEFAULT, "HELP_TEXT_CREATURE_MESSED_UP_ACTION_07", "Your Creature failed to raise the Totem this time; he may not be strong enough yet, and he is still learning.")

Isn't it more related to size. Less size less strength.
hmm ive never seen that tooltip and my creature has always learnt how to raise a totem at 0 height and age  ???
Lol there are always  lots of Dump codes in pc games  , codes that could of  would of  and should of been in the final prouduct or are often left in to give the gamer something to discover , maybe it means they WANT someone to make a script were your beast can build a home  , impossible maybe  , but fun? always ;)
I read or seen it some were i think it was on g4tv that they were going to put human like creatuers in the game maby thats y  :shocked

I once saw a screen shot of the human creature dancing with the others.  However I believe they yanked that one out good as the idea of the little kiddie gamers petting their human creature in the groin area raised too many *ahem* issues  :rolleyes :shocked  :laugh2 .
The game is littered with abandoned ideas.
More of an elf or pixie type  from my memory but defiantly more human than animal , FP.

BTW.... Did you know Beardy was originally  female. I may have the vidio  lurking somewhere , it's only about 4.5 m  but it is a very early  shot of the original original B&W1 unless  Kays has it already I haven't looked yet.
Yeah, I remember seeing a few pics of that. 

Not being sexist or anything, but Beardy was a much better match for the Evil conscience I reckon :yes .
Found an image.

Here is a hyperlink to the website.
I love the shots of development, theres an array of different creatures and a whole new graphics system! Yeh goodie would admittedly look pretty crap as a girl  :laugh2
you should see the BW2 shots, there was going to be a bear and everything!
And the Tibetan tribe as far as I could see. Too bad it didn't happen.
Kays if you want it take it itsa a very early promo vid  you can even hear  PMx  talking in the background.
Hidden Miles & Skelape I hope you like it :D  :D
too bad they took out the bear i always liked them.

i dont think the files are in the game for the bears' shape but if they were we could take the sound files for bw1 maybe?