Starting out in Land 5


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Some background...

 At the end of land 4 I threw in a reasonable amount of items (indestructible artifacts mostly, some scaffolds, a dozen or so miracle seeds and a bunch of wood and food) and proceeded to enter the vortex.  Once I got to land 5 only about 20% of what I put into the vortex came through.  A small handful of scaffolds, miracle seeds and food and wood actually made it... not a single artifact made it through the vortex to land 5.

 Is there anything I can do to avoid this extreme loss?  I mean, besides editing the vortex file and manually adding in everything I want to come through to land 5.  Has anyone else experienced this on land 5?  Any help would be appreciated.

??? Not on Land 5 specifically. Scaffolds and resources don't usually survive the trip--You get, as you said, about one-fifth of the resources, and you are lucky if you get one out of every fifteen scaffolds. This feature has often frustrated me. But as for the artifacts, I haven't a clue. Sorry.