Soccer Field Won't Appear

Meta K

New member
Apr 7, 2009
I made a six-valued scaffold, and no soccer field will appear.
I have the add-on, and it says on the list, "Six Scaffolds make a Soccer Field."
It's not six, the sign post is wrong. Try eight.
Try placing 7 down to make a Wonder (this is when you place 7 down in the ground making the foundation to be built to a Wonder), then try putting the 8th.
Vista has problems with the soccer addon, I myself havn't found what fixed it yet, so, if you are on vista, sorry for you, but untill somebody figures out what file gets added, no soccerfield for you.
Sylcai said:
Vista has problems with the soccer addon, I myself havn't found what fixed it yet, so, if you are on vista, sorry for you, but untill somebody figures out what file gets added, no soccerfield for you.

This sucks.
Lionhead should make some sorta patch for Vista users.
Lionhead belongs to Microsoft now, and, black and white is age-old!.. (about 8 years).

Doubtfull they will ever get back to it.

But, yes, they should ;p