Serious saving problem


New member
Nov 8, 2006
Hi there, nice to find there's still an active B&W community. :)
Hope you can help me out here.

Ok, so... the other day I found myself determined to play the good old B&W again, since it's really more fun than B&W2. Alas, I couldn't find my CD anymore (still have the serial, though, isn't that ironic what with lots of people losing that...). So I bought a new copy from Amazon UK. I mention that cos I had a German copy before and had no problems at all then. Eventually I had the English speech pack which also caused no troubles. It may be that I had Windows 98 when I played last, now I have XP (service pack 1 plus all additional updates). Latest NVidia drivers, GeForce 6800 (graphics are ok).

I installed B&W (the sold out version) and the 1.2 patch.

Troubles I had then:
1. game crashed upon quick saving
2. game crashed upon quick loading
3. game crashed upon saving when quitting the game
4. game crashed my whole XP-profile

Uninstalled B&W. Installed again with patch 1.1.

Troubles I'm having now:
1. game still crashes upon quick loading
2. game crashes upon saving when quitting the game
3. can't go to any skirmish game cos game crashes upon saving before even going to the selection
4. when game crashes I can't even terminate it, have to reboot windows
Plus, I never get the creature thoughts like I used to

Can somebody help me here? Please?
Sounds like some bad problems.

The only thing that I can think of for now would be to use an older set of drivers for that card. Go back at least one year in driver version.
Thanks for your quick answer, Kays.
But... can this really be a driver problem? As i said, graphics in general are quite good.
Sigh, i really don't fancy changing my drivers on a daily basis, but I guess it's worth a try at least.

Oh, and another thing I'm just now remembering: I don't get any wonders from fireflies anymore (did so with the 1.2 patch).
And in case anyone wonders, no, I can't use the compatibility mode for Win98, runblack.exe doesn't like that at all.
Ok, now I have something that might narrow it down - if one understands the language of Win error messages...

I tried playing some more and upon the last auto save (which really is the only way to play at all), i got this error message:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime error!
abnormal program termination

I seem to recall dimly having had that same error once - but I don't recall the solution... :blush
The later nVidia drivers have been know to cause problems with B&W. I don't quite know what poblems but it wouldn't hurt to try it as a test. At least then you'll know for certain if that is the problem or not

With your latest post and the inablity to run in compatibility mode for win98. I'm wondering if there isn't a problem with your OS. Have you checked for spyware lately?  If you can, run a repair on your OS and possibly update to SP2.
Just a general comment the 9x.xx drivers seem to be OK with B&W1 but the latest gamer (omegadrivers) are much better.
i used to get that error. i never found a fix... it just miraculously went away after i reformatted a few months later and decided i would try playing again.
Ok, I tried the omega drivers, as they are built on the basis of a 66.xx nvidia driver (surely more than a year). But there's  no difference at all. Not with B&W1 anyway, but in B&W2 I get blue terrains instead of the black evil terrain, lol.

Searched for spyware, didn't find anything relevant.
I'll NEVER update to SP2, as lots of programs don't run anymore. Tried it once just before I installed the OS new anyway. No way. I have all the other updates, though. Automatic updates on.

Well, I can always try again after the next OS installation. But i might be installing again what the game doesn't like. Something like net framework perhaps? that wasn't there when the game first launched. But I do need it for a couple of other programs...
Just in case anyone's interested, here's a quick update:

In the meantime I reinstalled XP and found my old cd again.
So I really couldn't tell what did it in the end, but I suspect, the UK cd was just no good for my system.
I play again with my old cd, which was from when B&W first came out, no cheap re-release. I use my English language pack and any other add-ons I choose and it plays fine.  :laugh:
Thanks anyway to everyone who tried to help me out!