Saving Problems?


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Well in BnW when I try to save a game in the temple, it does, as long as I don't quit.
As soon as I quit from the game, then come back in, the saved games disappear.

I have BnW v1.2, and installed 1.1 before 1.2 since it said 1.2 didn't include 1.1 patches. (...Confusing?)

I really want to save games... HELP!

EDIT: I have Windows 7
It is likely that you installed the game in a wrong folder, causing problems with permissions.

To say it more simply, Windows 7 does not trust Black&White, and does not allow it to save.

You should install it in a place where Windows 7 wouldn't care much, and just say "Well!.. You installed it 'over there!' - I don't care much about that place..!"

This is most common;


So! You will have to - sadly - reinstall B&W at C:/Users/Public/Games/Black&White

If after this, you still have issues, I would ask if you are Administrator of your PC? - Are you the 'main' user, is the UAC on, and if so, can you run the installation as Admin? :)
I agree..... you need to install to  another  folder outside  program files....Games is a good choice as  many new  games look for that folder.
The  B&W 1.2 patch includes the  1.1 but  either is fine for ordinary SP.
1.1 bug  fixes.
1.2 is 1.1 plus some  MP fixes.
1.3 is  as above but  with  the  VR glove compatibility added. Not needed if you  don't have  the glove or you don't want  to MP with anyone who has, extra dll needed get it  off the  glove driver  disc or download.
This happened to me back when I had vista and it was solved by not updating the service pack, as for windows 7, im not sure have installed it yet, installing it in another folder that is not in program files might help.
2 years later i found a really easy fix with no reinstall needed! you just go to the black and white.exe in your lionhead folder and go to properties and change the permissions i gave all users full control because I'm the only one that uses it and it saves fine now :)