Problems saving/patching with Vista


New member
Jun 30, 2008
   Killer your not alone mine just started acting funny,same problem,but more,the auto save gets annoing so i turned it of,after a min. it autosaves,i went to check the options menu and the autosave box is checked i turn it off again pushed Esc,went back in the options menu and its checked wth is going on then i saw the symbol thing that killer described,but wait theres more i have the prepatched disk that came also with ci (and btw i reinstalled it 3 times today),but when i patch all went good until after the logos on startup i look in the corner of the screen it says version.1.00,more wth :shocked :shocked.I've had it installed for months now this is the biggest problem yet for me just now i got the 1.20 patch and it still says 1.00,i tried reinstalling 1.10 but it says already installed plz help me out :help........and now my fingers hurt :(

Edit by Kays
I've split this conversation from the Symbol Problem thread.
My only problem was on land five i saw that Nemesis had no symbol..... So i restarted the land and there's the symbol..
AnthonyDragon89 said:
 but wait theres more i have the prepatched disk that came also with ci (and btw i reinstalled it 3 times today),but when i patch all went good until after the logos on startup i look in the corner of the screen it says version.1.00,more wth :shocked :shocked.I've had it installed for months now this is the biggest problem yet for me just now i got the 1.20 patch and it still says 1.00,i tried reinstalling 1.10 but it says already installed plz help me out :help........and now my fingers hurt :(

One way to see if the game is patched is to start a new game with an existing profile. If it is patched then you should get a menu with a number of options. If unpatched, it will start a new game from the begining.

If you do try this it might be an idea to make a backup using BWBackup then you can restore to where you were before in case you don't have an option to abort.
It sounds like the patch didn't take. I don't know all of the releases available. But I thought that the B&W/CI set came with the patch but it had to be installed seperately.

Something I forgot about. It does show the game version in the registry.
Start >> Run type in regedit. Then Ctrl+F when that window opens and type in lhmultiplayer. When it finds it look in the Black & White folder a few levels up for GameVersion. The version number is the number in the brackets.
Ok, long shot. Definitely back up your game first.

Try changing the 120 to 100, download the V1.20 patch from here and try reinstalling it.

To change the value, right click on GameVersion, select Modify and then check Decimal to change the value from hex.

What's your Operating system?
ACPI x86-based PC or aka a Vista

and ill try to do that brb
[br][br]Added: [time]1214849667[/time]  it says the 1.20 page is down
still no luck with that or the other two problems,but ive noticed something,it wont let me do the unlimited food or wood cheat even thogh it says 1.00,anyway im gonna defrag my hard drive and reinstall,i pray it works ill post again if more info needed thx a bunch kay[br][br]Added: [time]1214875489[/time]still a no go[br][br]Added: [time]1214950158[/time] Breakthrough, patch saying 1.00 instead of 1.20, its doing everything that it does when its patched tutorial skip, no,now insdead of acually being a problem its kinda funny :happytears:, but that still dont explan the autosave stuck always on on,and the symbol problem  Killerpinguin and i have cause those are really annoing :no. btw i dont recall me saying i cant save,its just the autosave always on, it saves perfectly,im sry if i said that.

   :sorry triple post can i have a moderater fix this for me thx  :sorry
This game saying it is v1.0 but it is actually 1.2 is a pain for some I have a 1680x1050 screen.
There is a single registry edit you can do for both the  1.2 and CI games to get this resolution.  I know the edit worked  as CI went full screen but  B&W1 is 1440x1050. Seemingly  due to the fact somewhere  it reports it is v1.00.
Actually I got this fixed by downloading the patch using the Opera web browser,because if the download stops you dont lose the download you can just restart it where it left off, but sadly my BnW disk exploded so i cant play any more :P
fenton_pat said:
Sorry, but I have to ask - How did your B&W disk explode :shocked ?

I have no idea I put it in the cd drive then i heard a boom, had to open the computer up to take out the peices from the drive  :(

Edit; Im also looking for it to buy it again but it cost 30 bucks  :shocked
i think i know how it did that,can your disk spinner expand?

and back to the subject still havnt figured out the 1.00,symbol,stuck autosave problems with no luck yet
You're lucky that didn't broke you drive Penguin, happend to me once.
It's because of the Cd's, sometimes, even if it's just a little bit cracked, it can explode, or, if the drive spins too fast, the same.
Darn thingis exploding.
Back to topic thingi, in my game even if it was patch it still said 1.00 in the bottom of the screen, but the patch still was in affect  :yes :yes