Problem land 4 and savegames


New member
Mar 25, 2011
I'm playing B&W on windows 7.

Although i saved my game about 15 times, there's only one savegame available (most recent savegame) in my temple

For the third stone in land 4 (reunite Adam and keiko), i accidently killed Adam. i killed Keiko, which did'nt help; it's not possible to destroy the stone with a megablast.

Does anyone know what i can do? or has anyone a savegame of the end of land 4?

Save on exit is kept in one location slot - the last save point, you also have a 'quick save' which also just uses one slot, over-writing the latest one. - These save games are available at the very top of the save room.

If you want to save your game in a place where you want to be able to return, you will need to go into the save room, click on one of the lower region empty portraits, and save the game.

The only way for you to return to a 'previous' point in time now - is to use the 'Previous Land' save - which will bring you back to Land 3 - just a few seconds before you went through the vortex. This does mean that all that you had achieved in land 4, will be reset.

I hope this is helpful? :)


Welcome to Kayssplace! :) Have a :cookie
ALSO! Try reinstalling the game and put it in Public if you're doing this manually-Program Files is very much more testy than back when Lionhead made this game.