Post weird/funny/scary stories of your creature!


New member
Jan 16, 2005
This topic was made to tell about stuff that your creature does that you think is weird/funny/scary. Let the stories begin!

Once, my lion was fighting an archer platoon in the Norse town and he saw the norse wolf; immediately he ignored the archers and jumped on the wolf and beat the crap out of him til he died, at which moment he died himself due to the archers. It was hilarious.  :laugh2
Now that I'm on the second Japanese land, I'm constantly getting attacked.  So once, the first time I sent my creature out to take care of some siege weaponry they'd sent.  Well, I was thinking he'd probably have some trouble, and when he finally attacked the siege thing(He'd been trying to get the swordsmen), he just stomped it and it was gone.  Then he proceeded to murder the swordsmen by giving thwacking them with a tree, stomping, then giving them a good zap with the lightning miracle.  :cool: He's a very effective killer.
I have a 100% good cow and when it feels happy and stuff, it puts its hands together and like does a balerina leap of joy and like floats for a few seconds.  I know this isn't anything unique but for people who don't have cows, it's pretty funny.  :woot
My creature was healing my platoon and at that moment one of the enemy catapaults fired at them. Now my creature thought he would save them so he caught the rock before it landed, then he stood there for a second or two not knowing what to do, eventually got bored and dropped the rock ontop of the platoon he saved killing 20 of them and started mining ore. :rolleyes
my creature was attacking an army that got into my base. he was stomping and there was 1 left so he kept stomping and about half an hour later he killed him and i lost half my population lol..
Shinyturtle said:
My creature was healing my platoon and at that moment one of the enemy catapaults fired at them. Now my creature thought he would save them so he caught the rock before it landed, then he stood there for a second or two not knowing what to do, eventually got bored and dropped the rock ontop of the platoon he saved killing 20 of them and started mining ore. :rolleyes

:p :D ??? :shocked :cool: :laugh: :) :p :D
Lol, I've had my creature do the same thing - stomping at a lone swordsman in my village, and eventually killing him and quite a few of my farmers. xD

Anyway... I remember sending my tiger into battle for the first time, he wasted no time in running upto walls and being like a major seige weapon (in fact, he totaly prefers to knock down walls than take notice of much else). But when the archers started firing at him with their arrows, he roared at them and then smashed the very wall they were on. Now that's gotta hurt, but not as much as his second try at disposing of archers, hurling a fireball at them on the wall...  :upside they were incinerated, satisfied he took one of the ones which fell onto the ground and ate it.  :laugh2

My good tiger is somewhat evil... o.O even for what he's been trained not to do.
Ok, here is a story. I had been being a good god and just won the Norse homeland. And for the first time, I said, hey, they have a creature, I wonder how the creature fights on here are like. So, I maxed out my lion's strength, fitness, and around 45% fat and 85% size, and sent him over to the enemy creature. I guess it was a glich or something, the wolf was tering down his own walls and he was on the inside of the norse city and my creature walked to where the creature was, but on the oposite side of the wall. About the time that my creature stoped, a part of the wall flew off the wall and hit my creature square in the head. He didn't like that at all. So imediatly, he started tering down the wall (remember the wolf was on the exact opposite side of the wall) and in one hit, a part of the wall hit the wolf. Then the wall hit my creature. They was using the wall as a weapon! Finally, my creature tore a massive part of the wall down, it was about the size of the wolf, and my lion hit it with all he had, it hit the wolf and knocked him down for like 2 minuets. My lion walked though and beat the stuffing out of the wolf. :laugh2
I taught my cow to poo on villagers and when he did he ate his poo before I could punish him. :D :D :D

He promptly threw up.
lol... speaking of throwing up.

My creature was playing with his teddy, and then decided to eat it (i didn't get there in time to stop him). He threw up after about a minute, and regurgitated the whole toy again. o.O As if it had never been chomped. He then picked it up again, and started playing with it. xD

Yuck.. a toy covered in crtr barf.
I haven't paid that much attention to my creature yet as he is so self-sufficient, but he seems to have a love-hate relationship with his teddy. 

One minute, he'll be cuddling it and Teddy will say in his lovely robotic voice "You Love me".  The next minute, he throws teddy accross the city and claps his hands gleefully.  All the while Teddy is is saying "You hate me".  I think my creature has issues.  I'm glad they don't have gender, because if they did, he'd probably be a wife beater :shocked  :rolleyes.
I was impressed by the crature fighting skill in the end of the last land i send my creaute to attack the last city with only 2 catapult then there was 2 platoons of archers so i order one catapult to attack platon and the other catapult to attack the other platon now one archer platon start to shot on my creaute and the second on one of my catapult so my look like my creature didn't like the idea they attacking a catapult so he throw on them a fireball and burned the entried platon and then started taking care of the platon who attacked him
once, when my good tiger was attacking an enemy village, he was breaking down the walls with archers shooting on him and no archers to cover him, so he stopped breaking the walls down and threw a fireball at the enemy archers at the other side, but the fireball rebounded off the walls and hit him! then he watered himself, healed, and did it again  :suspect
my good lion decided to run into battle and follow the soldiers, than he started dance in the middle of battle  :rolleyes there was just mine and the enemys a massive battle and he started to dance for ages and ages and ages and didnt stop  until the battle was over than he said shall i entertain villagers more haah i was laughing my head off than he started to dance in my own village while there creature came in and he was still doin it there creature was just watching and waiting.......
mariostar1992 said:
I taught my cow to poo on villagers and when he did he ate his poo before I could punish him. :D :D :D

He promptly threw up.

Oh my god my lion did the same thing!  :happytears: after he ate it and threw up. I've quickly punish him before striking again for the second time.  :happytears:
once, when my lion was killing archers on some walls, he decided to throw a fire ball. But he was sort of next to the wall, not parralel next to (or as close as possible to that). He threw the fireball and it it hit 17 out of 20 guys. I said, "oh darn it it's going to take forever for him to kill those guys now." ( cause he thinks destroying the gates is first priority, then walls second and finally last priority, archers) but then i saw the fireball was not gone yet, so it bounced and hit the other three guys that survived. Then he noticed the enemy tiger on the other side of the gate, knocked down the gate, taking the tiger with it. Then he backed up and jumped on the tiger punched it reapetedly, without getting a hit on himself, finally ripping out the heart for 20 damage, effectivly killing the helpless critter :devil. Then he killed some more platoons, then when the tiger regenerated in the pen, my creature shot a fireball at it burning down the pen, and burning the tiger to near death as well. Then my creature just gave it a swift uppercut killing the tiger again. Then he burned down practically the entire town, allowing my troops to get in and capture the town with no oppisition. And guess what! He was still 10% good, and he had no marks on him and the only damage he took was the archer's arrows at the beginning of it all. My creature won an entire war for me. And all i had to do was give him the command to start attacking archers. Oh and the troops command too. My lion is such a murderer.
Was that Island six?  :shocked my lion didn't even threw a fire ball at the tiger... he tear him to shreds!  :grin2