Options revert back to normal


New member
Jul 15, 2007
Hey 3 topics in one day that's a record :P

Lol anyway back on topic, as the topic tittle says, when i go to the options menu and put the all tooltip help on all three options then go back the revert back to high tooltip, even if I put no tooltip it reverts back, and its getting annoying.

Not only that but same for my symbol it keeps going back to the default one.

Also the setup thing in the BnW folder that lets you chose the graphics settings, if you want 16 bit or 32 bit ect. Well that keeps going back to normal after I put save and exit.

Pardon if i don't make sense its 5Am here xD 
What's your operating system, XP or Vista?
That could be the problem. Do you have SP1 installed?

Search this forum for any other posts by people having similar problems with Vista.
Yea i think i have sp1 installed.

The only thing I found is that the changes are not saving  to the registry, but I did not find how to make it save. :(
One way to tell is that it will show the version number when B&W is loading.

I can't help much more since I'm not using Vista.
Right now it says 1.00, if it shows 1.20 that will mean that its saving in the registry right?

Because i remember when i first installed it, it said 1.20 but that was almost 3 years ago :P, im going to try to remember what are the things i did.  :cool:
I know from reading other posts that if the game is patched, it should show the proper version number, when SP1 is installed.

Did you patch the game to 1.20?

Also check in the Control Panel under "System" (or where ever Vista hides it) to see if SP1 is installed.
That is where the SP info is  and if you are up to date it will be SP2.
The no save thing is about "permissions" and assuming you are/have installed and play from the main admin account,  and you may need to switch off the UAC to make changes you can switch it back on later.
I think I found out how to fix the problem, I remembered reading about how if you had vista Morrowind will not save correctly if you installed it on program files, and it said to install it somewhere else.
Right now i installed Black and White to my desktop and checked the setup, and that saved the options that I put. Now problem is if I can get the patch to work  :suspect

Gah I keep getting "You do not have the correct version of BnW"