Need a good creature mind


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Hi all,

I was browsing the creature minds section of this website, but hardly any of them have a description as to what the create mind is like.

I am doing a playthrough on YouTube, and I don't want to train my creature, it's too time consuming for me to do right now, and I'm not good at it.

Does anyone have a creature mind that is a really good creature, doesn't know any aggressive miracles, helps the player's village, impresses other villages, knows how to eat/sleep properly? I just want a creature that will be self sufficient without me having to worry about what the heck he is doing while I'm trying to build up my town and everything.

Or if someone knows a very intensive guide on how to train the creature very well please point me in that direction. I've read numerous guides on the internet including the one that used to be on planetblackandwhite and really they aren't very helpful. All the advice is very vague.

lil' helper is a good one, he's added in one of the maps..

I forgot which one it is.. o.o sorry, but atleast you know what name to look for now :p
Any idea which one it is? having a creature name doesn't really help me very much cause I can't search the download section for that.

Or at least which map section it's in? I don't want to have to download every map and scour the text files for a name like lil helper...if it's even named in the file.
I imagine he won't be able to cast many miracles at that size without tiring himself out - poor little guy :laugh2.

Although he is unimaginably cute :angel.

You can try out an old creature of mine if you like.  He sounds like just the thing you need.

His name is El Barto (yes, I like a little bit of irony in my creature names if I can manage it):

Doesn't know any aggressive miracles (for good reason, read the description) and I taught him all the basics of goodness, i.e. impressing, building, helping out, etc.

Hope that helps.
Yes only CI creatures can  build directly but B&W1 creatures  can help !!
My bad.  I trained a good few creatures back then.  I'm pretty sure El Barto is a B&W creature, not CI.

Therefore no building ability :no .
Gremxula said:
Yes only CI creatures can  build directly but B&W1 creatures  can help !!

fenton_pat said:
My bad.  I trained a good few creatures back then.  I'm pretty sure El Barto is a B&W creature, not CI.

Therefore no building ability :no .

I see.  :)