If that's the case it sounds like you've might of lost those profiles somehow.
Click on Start then Run and type in regedit
This will open the registry editor. Now Do a Crtrl+F to bring up Find and type in lhmultiplayer.
If you open that there's a Profiles folder. Do you see your profiles in there?
You see how the profile name is in the registry editor with the underscore like this. _p_r_o_f_i_l_e
Do a search of your computer for either of your lost profiles using the name as shown in the registry editor. Also check your recycle bin. I'm wondering if they either got moved or deleted somehow.
The only thing to do now would be to uninstall the game, delete all of the folders and files except for Scripts\Playgrounds and Scripts\CreatureMind. Although your profiles are lost your creature isn't.
Then re-install B&W, apply the V1.20 patch and start a new profile. Once you've finished that blasted tutorial and get a creature, it's easy to swap him with your old creature if you wish to do so. Look under "Lost Creatures" in this FAQ.
That's not a problem You can re-install it since the key doesn't get erased when you uninstall.
Go into the registry editor And search for EA Games. The should be a Black & White folder. The ergc folder contains your registry key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place in case you do need it some time later on.
i re installed and downloaded the patch made a profile got my creature saved in the temple when i exited to cheak if the profile was there it was not
and then i whent to the temple and the save was not there please help
So whenever you start the game it's from the begining again?
Right now I'm at a loss for an answer. When you create a profile the game should automatically create a folder in the profiles directory. It is being added to the registry.
Try not saving in the temple. Autosave is turned on by default and the game will save on exiting. Also try Ctrl+S for a quick save. I forget how to recall it though.
wenever i started the game it got left off where the last auto save was but if i wanted to use anothere profile i had to start the profiel again
but i found my profile :happytears:
how do you post the pics here i want people to see my new creature :woot
thanks kays
have you ever used kong?
i used it once i changed my tiger to a lion and full size then i went to the quest were you met guide and he was a small tiger with a lions mane
weirdeds thing i have ever seen