My Creature Won't Grow Up


New member
Oct 16, 2006
My creature won't grow up. I'm on the Japanese land and my creature still has to be hand fed. ??? He won't feed himself and will starve himself untill I feed him. I've taught him it's okay to eat grain, will he ever learn? :help
I had the same problem. Eventually he'll take the initiative to start eating on his own, but he's got to be pretty hungry before doing so.
Your dad probably installed the official patches.  :yes

The no cd patch isn't official. :no
He should be OK  now in B&W2 it is almost impossible  for your creature not to grow.
My creature is turning albino because he's good. He's white with patches of brown because he hasn't fully changed yet. :D
i cant get mine to grow in bw1 i had a lion in land four and he was the same size when i first got him i had his fat at 50 all the time and he ate and worked out regularly wahh wut is wrong