

Nov 10, 2007
ive noticed that the mandrill creature has long, dred lock type things hanging from its head and im slightly confused as to why they are there  :laugh2. mandrills dont usually have dred locks  :suspect. i dont really expect anyone to have a valid answer unless they know alot about mandrills  :happytears:
Let me answer this in a both silly, and normal way.

Normal way; Lionhead must have given the Mandrill hair, as without it looks silly, the ape hair style was already used for two models, so a new was to be made, dreadlocks matched the mandrill quite well. Even though it was unrealistic.

Silly way; The example Mandrill comes from a cuban Zoo, Lionhead was to lazy to Google to find the 'correct' hair style Mandrill's had. Thus, Dreadlocks where created. Very realistic!
How about, the people at LHS have a great sense of humour. ???

Personally, I think the dreadlocks suite the mandrill quite well
they are my favourite part of the mandrill, i think they look awesome, and i suppose mandrills do have alot of hair on them. im getting the mandrill creature cd  :)  :)  i feel that just downloading the mandrill doesnt have a very good feel to it, and it just doesnt feel official. its my favourite creature  :D
I have the leopard CD, came during a special offer on Black & White, in total.. I now purchased Black & white 1 three times.. (One time cd snapped... the other I 'gave away to play' and never saw back.. the third I am using now. :p

The CD came with the first time I bought Black & white :p
mmm, i was half way through land 2 and my mandrill's dreds dissappeared...has anyone else noticed this? it often happens to me.
I changed my creature to a mandrill on land 4 with my old profile, he had his dreads and also was one of the best behaved creatures. I thought this was going to be aggressive, however he turned out to be a good creature.

I used kong to change my creature you could try changing to a gorilla then a mandrill agian. Also I noticed online that its evil dreads show on the creature stas but not on the creature.
SkelApe said:
mmm, i was half way through land 2 and my mandrill's dreds dissappeared...has anyone else noticed this? it often happens to me.

Do they reappear if you go into a skirmish game?
whilst we are on topic, i reinstalled my game because it started to crash. when i tried to patch it with 1.1 it ststed that i dont have the correct version  :help

oh and i have yet to check weather they reapear.

never mind about the patch thing, if you uninstall the game, then you should see another bw icon in ur control panel, uninstall that. it is because of this that it says you have the incorrect version, because its picking it up from somewhere else.
i think the loss in dreadlocks is normal as the chimp and ape lose their hair as well. it's just the growing process.
Sorry for rezzing an old thread.. I won't do it again.

The loss of hair anyware on a creature in BW1 means the health is dropping.

A wolf without a tail is very depressed and unhealthy, as are monkey's without hair ontop of their head.

Likewise for any other that uses the movable in the wind hair! ^^
Yeah, my ape will at times have a bald head or short hair.

Often my good guide will say he's depressed. He's pretty healthy but sometimes he won't eat anything.

How can I make him happy? I left his teddy bear in land one, will that make him sad?
That message goes come up on occasion. He'll forget about the teddy after a while.

Keep him busy. Let him explore. Encourage him if he's curious.