Looking for some Hamachi Networks!

ZentineZ said:
Does Anyone know some Hamachi networks?

Since I cannot view any profile, I will create one now and then we can search for more people.
Network will be EtherNexus and without any kind of password.

If you do, Please send me!
Can you also please always write if it's Hamachi 1 or 2?
It shouldnt matter if its hamachi 1 or 2 you should still be able to join. ( Altough i'm not sure, someone should check it out)
Anyway, i'd be happy to if someone made a server, because i started playing it again and i'll be online in a few days when my creature is ready :) .
It seems like we could do 2vs2 or something.

We must never let such a good game die out !
I know a couple of networks, I'll edit this post when I get the details...
Actually, after checking it seems most of them are totally inactive... I guess I could make one. I'll be around pretty often, so I can keep eveything in working order. I have a bunch of info on the technical side of things too.
I'll have one up within the hour hopefully...
Darragh said:
Actually, after checking it seems most of them are totally inactive... I guess I could make one. I'll be around pretty often, so I can keep eveything in working order. I have a bunch of info on the technical side of things too.
I'll have one up within the hour hopefully...

is it up already ?
Hey guys.. Im very interested in playing B&W so if you make a new server please let me know.