looking for good god guide


New member
Sep 21, 2006
im looking for a guide to being a good god through the scrolls not like evry little bit of the game so please post ty

the silver reward scrolls?
it doesn't matter how you do the silver reward scroll it's just a challenge for tribute doesn't have a effect on your good rating.
(also your post didn't make much seance)
meshy911 said:
not like evry little bit of the game so please post ty
I've got to admit we've been lazy and haven't gotten anything like that together. :blush
well most of the hard stuff and quests are already up on the forum (if you just look for them)
basicly... If you want to be goodish... Dont kill anyone. Do parshily evil things..  And do whatever you feel like doing. But build villas. the silver scrolls dont really matter.
From the Prima Game guide:

Good Acts

Accepting a migration
Converting enemy troops with Siren Epic Miracle
Healing any villager or platoon
Placing a building on fertile or impressive ground
Making residents happy
Planting a tree
Adding resources to a storehouse or foundation
Mary26 said:
From the Prima Game guide:

Good Acts

Accepting a migration
Converting enemy troops with Siren Epic Miracle
Healing any villager or platoon
Placing a building on fertile or impressive ground
Making residents happy
Planting a tree
Adding resources to a storehouse or foundation

the end  :)
Healing platoons is the best way to convert from evil to good.
a army group around 900 with health to 50% after using the heal
miracle a couple times you can get 12 rating points
Keep desires down.
Plan towns with consideration.
Construct Baths and Nurseries.
Ensure buildings aren't crammed.
Build Impressively.
Heal the sick.
Accept migrations quickly.
I agree with most of the above but some things you have to get into perspective.
Trees as an example....
Rip up a tree = -20
Build a small dwelling = +xxx usually between 0 -200
Replant the tree =+ 20
As with most building you have a little evil to create a larger good effect.