

New member
Feb 25, 2006
hi, i was wondering how old the lion has to be before it gets that class mane on it?
I wouldn't know since I never had the lion as a creature.

But I would say that it's dependant on the creature's size and not age. You can use the trainer to check by changing his size until his mane is just full. Don't forget to reset his size back to where it was before exiting the game.
Does your Lion have any fur? They should have a small mane when you first get them
A young lion should look something like this. This is 1 day old Chester

Maybe you got the no fur problem....
yes it does have a little mane but when you go to buy like upgrades such as the soldier it shows a lion with a big mane

Kays said:
I wouldn't know since I never had the lion as a creature.

But I would say that it's dependant on the creature's size and not age. You can use the trainer to check by changing his size until his mane is just full. Don't forget to reset his size back to where it was before exiting the game.

What trainer do you mean kays?
By the way when you put the creature size mod on do you have to start the game again?
No, I was refering to the BW2 trainer

gosh, how do u get the lion hair... think of it... lion+no hair=BALD LION!!!


hippity hop... i rickkity rock :yourock: :yourock: :yourock:
I got a lion glitch problem ><; his mouth! unless I pet/slap him his mouth is allways ... hanging wide open and not having much expression.. its worst in the good alighnment and bad in the neutral one and still there in the evil one too.... does anyone else have a lion with lockjaw?