Land 5!


New member
Mar 24, 2006
i recently started playing B&W again (B&W2 doesnt work on my crap laptop :( ) but i had never gone to land 5, i did 1-4 on one day, but im clueless now. i understood i had to destroy a wonder in a village to stop the curse, but my creature is rather useless as he now is about the size of a villager again :P the town i need to get for the wonder to be within range is shielded, and when my pet comes near the stones he gets killed, if he doesnt already die by nemesis while going to the village, I did take the other nearby village (the one near the forest filled with poo ^^) what should i do now? try to remove the stones?
Ok your creature wasnot much good to you when you started the land but you play the way you wan't.
Here is a golden rule for L5...... NEVER DAMAGE ANY OF THE WONDERS ......
As you are advised in the game you know the villages that contain them capture them and the wonders will get damaged this is enough to allow the game to continue, but if you damage or destroy the wonders first the game can get stuck  and make it impossible to complete.
dont I have to just destroy them in order to remove the curse? my creature cant even lift a cow atm.
and how do i get the shield down? i think i might be able to hit one of the guys dancing at the stones if i throw some ultimate fireballs. But even if it goes down the town is far out of reach, and i dont want to risk hitting the weird guys i have to heal for silver scroll quest :)
No Nemisys must destroy the wonders.
The shield is quite easy just get your creature to grab the dancers.
OK so you then ........... No this wont work
Heres the way I start L5...See if you get some ideas...
Day1 ....Get cursed creature..So he is not going to be usefull for very long...Right leave the villagers to build the Temple while I lead my creature to the nearest Tibetan village through the shallow water from the landbridge until he is well past the Greek village. Then leash him to the TC to convert the village. The reason for the shallow water is if he went overland and crossed through Greek teritory Nems creature would be released and start causing problems. Go back and help with the Temple building and plant some trees asap.
Night 1....visit the hermit who explains the cure. Gather wood and make scaffolds combinethem to leave room for more.
Day2..... sometime during the day the village should convert. As soon as it dose drop everything and get there one of the stones is in my  influence I get it.  Put it in the village or thow it away the choice is yours.
Nems will now destroy the tibetan wonder lifting one part of the curse.. Bring my creature back (through the water again) to my now built temple for some R&R.
Stage 2...... Get the Japs........Once your temple is built you will/maybe still be out of range but placeing a TC (scaffold 5x) will put you in if you place it as close as you can by reaching out of your influence.
Hope the ideas here gives you an easyer ride next time  you start L5 or you can complete as you are. L5 won't kill you but the longer you take the more difficult it becomes.

its starting to get pathetic, i caught my lion kissing nemesis' creature, my creature is very small now but at least i took the town with the shield, now im trying to do the second one  (not greek but other) yet i need 1K+ belief and when i do a miracle nemesis uses shields so he regains a lot of belief

damn this is going to take a while ^^
nemesis also said he would retake that village from me, any specific way he'll do it? (like land 3?)
That's the Greek town you took .
I usually take that as my third village to attack and it should be regarded as disposable. For reasons that will/have become obvious. Only by wasting a lot of time and effort can you save a few Greeks that are of no real use toward completeing the game.
Takeing the first Tibetan village as described above will lift the shrinking part of the curse if the village converts after you visit the man on the first night. Nems creature will leave you alone if you stay out of the Greek or second Tibetan village influence.
The Jap village is the key to the land (for the way I play)  I think thats enough to help without ruining the game. Unless you ask for more.
ok thanks a lot, i took all villages except the aztecs, and since the miracle is lifted, i suppose i can just kill them all? i should be able to do that in 15 mins at most if i sacrifice some people ^^

PS: i always wanted to be a good god, you know one of those shiny temples, but evil is just a lot easier
Ok if you go that way there are some tricks you need to know. Find them yourself is best but ask if you get stuck. :)
land 5>me-> nemesis pwned all my towns as in wrecked village center and village store  :help: except for those japanese/tibetan guys, so im mass sacrificing guys to get more firepower, nemesis still has 40 people, and i can barely reach them (and no village center trick as im all out of wood)
OK so you got your ass kicked.  Now you have a choice ....restart the land with all the knowledge you have gained or struggle on.

struggle on ofcourse, he only has 40 guys left, how hard can it be ^^ only sucks he killed my extreme fireball dispenser -.-
The last few will probably be at the worship site so you will have to burn the TC to get them back in your reach.
I killed Nemesis berreits, and won Land5.  I have no problems in this country,
listen guys, go and take over the vilages b4 the temple is built because you have no influence which means no influence boundries
I must admit that my halo slips on 5, not just once but time after time. One day I will complete as 100% good for both of us.
My hailo slipped a bit as well, i am in land 5 now, Nemisis has destroyed two of his wonders and my temple is almost black as is my hand. The worst I got was neutral before I went against Nemisis. But the good news is My creature is now Angelic  :angel he was good before I came to land 5.

What I done before I came to land 5 was built up my creature in land 4 teaching him all I could as well as getting his streignth up befor I took the Creede from the old Guide.