Keeping the Creature for Land 3


Staff member
Jun 24, 2011
Awhile ago, I recall reading a trick on this site to keep your Creature on Land 2 and be able to use him on Land 3. The steps were something like this:

1. Get Lethys's last two towns down to very low belief
2. Slow down time and use P to pause and take both towns at virtually the same time
3. Using the same time trick as above, attack and destroy Lethys's Temple as quickly as possible

I may be forgetting something, but when I tried this today, I couldn't get the Temple destroyed quickly enough.

I don't even know if it's possible in the first place, but if anyone has any ideas or could find the post somewhere, that would be cool.

(Although searching and manually looking through the entire list of topics didn't find me anything, so good luck if you try.)
I think this might be the FAQ?
And I asked this question a while back, you can have him all the way through land 2 but not land 3.  Here's the topic:
Aww, that's too bad. I was hoping there was some kind of trick or glitch I was missing. Ah well.

Thank you for the response. :)
There may still be a way, by changing a code line in some game file (witch one I don't know).
But that would be interesting!  There is a way to play land 3 in skirmish mode, with your creature - just no silver scrolls.
Yeah, I believe you can play all of the story lands in Skirmish mode if you download the maps.

I was just hoping I could keep my Creature on Land 3 because the fact that I don't have him on that Land makes it my least favorite.

That would be a cool mod if someone could do it. Unfortunately, I don't mod so much as map. And I only map a little bit.
I could make the map.
For the mod, however, I would have to have a modding program that works on a Mac (just about any modding program in the downloads section is a .exe).
I could make the map too, but I'd rather have my Creature in the actual campaign than just in a skirmish mimicking it.

Maybe the executables would run in Wine?

If you're interested in using the mod programs, it's worth checking.
Yes, I have checked out "Darwine" and it only works with a few of the programs.
But, I haven't tried all of them, so I guess I will try some more!  :p
As for the mod, I have been looking in the Black and White/scripts/quests folder and have found what could be a related script (I am no expert though). 
That's awesome, AppleApe. I think that would be a really neat mod. Although, I usually just race through Land 3 to get my Creature back anyway. Still, I'd appreciate the tweak in the game.

You're probably more of an expert than I am. Like I said, I'm more of a mapper than a modder.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
The file that I thought edited it/or was related turned out to just control whether Lethys was there or not at the beginning.
I might try at it again.
I wonder if anyone else might know of a file that controls this?
Aww, that's too bad.

I could try and take a look, but I doubt it'd do any good, considering I only have very basic mapping skills.

I had an idea...
It's sort of a cheat:
Since you get one of the plinths lowered per every village you take, I wonder what would happen if the villages were yours to start with!
Or, at least, you had the first two and the second had very little belief left towards Lethys.
Events in the game such as the lowering of the plinths are hard coed in to the game I'm afraid, and it would take a top coder to change anything in regards to these. Also from the knowledge of scripting that I have it would seem that the taking of the towns, as opposed to actual possession of them, is what triggers the plinths lowering.

Oh and sorry to say I've not heard of a way to keep your creature in land 3. I think it might ruin the challenge a little though.
Although I'm not a mapper nor a modder but I think I can help you a little bit.
After messing around witch Cache's Cheats I attacked Lethys Temple with the Megablast extreme miracle, however this proved to be effortless since Lethys always took my creature.
I believe that the event of Lethys stealing your creature has a higher priority than the vortex appearing after you destroyed his temple, buuuut here's the interesting thing I once managed to keep my creature on Land 2 even after Lethys temple was destroyed and the vortex showed up, yet after entering Land 3 my creature was still trapped in between the three plinths.
So in other words: Even if you do manage to avoid the event of Lethys stealing your creature it would still have no results on the next Land.
I hope I could help
something_or.other said:
3. Using the same time trick as above, attack and destroy Lethys's Temple as quickly as possible

when using cache cheats i did max lev mega blast on lethis temple destroying it his villages and villagers at once no reasult