How to get the Tiger Unlocker working in Vista64


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Hey all,

After seaching far and wide for methods on how to unlock the Tiger in Vista (Executable files, Registry changes, placing a unlock.dat in your game folder) and not having a single one work, I finally found a method that works for me (on Vista Home Premium 64bit, I can't guarantee it will work for everyone but I'm 99% sure it will, anyway)

By the way, full credit goes to the guy (incith) on GameFaqs who found it out:

I found out by watching the TigerUnlocker process that it was actually trying to read my ProductId code from a different part of the registry.. like some for-32-bit programs part of the registry or something. The below should work for everyone on Vista64. :)

--- cut and paste to new file.reg and run it or add them manually in regedit ---
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


---- end ---

Works great now.. got my Unlock.dat file in the Black & White 2 folder. As a side note. you cannot simply use someone elses Unlock.dat file, I tried this and I still did not have the tiger. But now he's there at the creature selection, he walks up after the consciouses disappear.

Simply make that extra registry tweak, then run the tiger unlocker EXE (make sure its the executable file version of the Tiger Unlocker) and hey presto, instant Tiger  :;):

Last thing, sorry if this method has been posted before, but like I said earlier I've looked everywhere (including this great site) and this is the first time I've seen this.
Nice method, it has been posted here before, however :) It is a good find nevertheless. Did you try my tiger unlocker?  :;):