How do i unlock the wolf creature (B&W)


New member
May 11, 2006
I really want a wolf lol, but don't know how to unlock it can someone help. Thanks
There might be a creature unlocker for the wolf (I don't remember, lol) and there're a number of programs that'll change your creature's species without the official unlockers.  I use the second when I want to change their species, but I've heard they can mess up the creatures...
The wolf creature is available by doing a quest in the game. On Land 4 I beleive.

Else you can use a creature changer.
I think it it is in the Aztec village  of L4 thatyou can get him.  This may seem late in the game but the final  land is half of the game.  :D
Is this with the blind girl (or whatever she was called) thing?  (WHere you gotta protect her)

... I never finished that quest, lol.  So I didn't know you can get it that way o_O
Well you could use  "Kong"  but you probably won't get near to finishing the  game but you will fail with a wolf.
Gremxula said:
Well you could use  "Kong"  but you probably won't get near to finishing the  game but you will fail with a wolf.
Fail? Fail how? (One more thing, i got the same problem with getting the lion.)
Bare in mind that if you try to get the wolf using quest that you better be all patched up, otherwise a glitch in the game will always stop you from winning the challenge even if you get the Sister to the village.